"but human nature tells us so / there comes a time it's time to go"

May 05, 2009 00:30

1. THREE DAYS. CANNOT FATHOM THIS. Even though work is starting to fall in my lap again, and I really should do some of it because so much of it is due to my sitting around doing a whole lot of not much, right now my only concern is to keep from falling ill before I have to take off for the trip. Being barred from entering the US at this point is ( Read more... )

meme, house/cuddy, nyc, the golden age, lj - lfae, beth malone, travel, lj - nutmeggers, housespam, marvellous wonderettes, kate the great, kristin chenoweth, lj - medland, lj - alexia88, bookdorking, lj - starhud5, om nom nom nom

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Comments 33

alexia88 May 4 2009, 19:07:09 UTC
I miss you, I MISS YOU SO MUCH. All of this Katharine Hepburn and London love and oh. Plus. I will be roommateless come September (story to follow) and I really really want you to move here and live with me. We'll go to New York often, I promise <3

House!! I am finally catching up with it tonight and O. M. G.


ellixian May 4 2009, 19:14:30 UTC
I MISS YOU JUST AS MUCH. You read the meme! ♥ So much of it was about you anyway, so I'm glad you did. XD Eek for lack of roommate, oh NO. I will read story... urm, after I wake up, tomorrow. You don't know what I'd give to move over with you! Think I could find a job? D:



ex_bluebonn May 4 2009, 22:28:38 UTC
lmao lmao lmao WEIRD NIGHT JANITOR.

NEW YORK CITY IS SO SOON! I'm all sorts of excited. I'm not going to pick up the N2N tickets until the day of, so I'll look for you at the CD release at Barnes and Noble; failing that, I'll meet you at the theatre before the actual performance. I don't know that venue either, but I'll have to stop by the box office obviously, so I figure I'll wait there until you find us/we find you. :) Sound good?


ext_182007 May 4 2009, 23:20:17 UTC
Holy shit three days :D 2 months, 3 weeks, 6 days for meee xD

CHENO IN CONCERT. HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS. *cries* I'm really kinda vague?

4. Bryant Park, I seem to recall...

I'm such a huge romantic that I want the relationship to be able to GO somewhere, you know? So why slash (or ship) something that isn't canon that doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of happening?That's a fair argument :) I'm trying to think if I ever ship outside the box and... it's too early to think. :P I mostly ship Gelphie anyway, and it's easy enough to imagine what might have happened in the parts of the book/musical not shown... I could never ship a totally out there couple because I also would need to think that this COULD happen ( ... )


alexia88 May 5 2009, 06:47:06 UTC
You're right about us meeting up in London that way - and it's true that we did meet in person for the first time in the summer of 2002. BUT, we must have known each other for longer than that in order to be good enough friends for me to feel comfortable enough to do that so I still say 2001 or 2000 :P


ext_182007 May 5 2009, 10:56:09 UTC
LOL. This is gonna be our lifelong mystery, I know it ;) If only we could log into FF and re-read the threads or something!


inafaugh May 5 2009, 00:21:38 UTC
Wait.....you sent flowers to Kate Hepburn? Neat.


housem24fan May 5 2009, 06:45:06 UTC

I'd have been watching a lot more this year, myself, but I've just got too many fandoms to keep up with them all, I'm afraid.

McDonalds sundaes are amazing! ♥ I get huge cravings for them every so often. And the french fries go so perfectly with them.

Soft serve is the best! I like ice cream okay in general, but I only really LOVE it when it's soft serve.

Ah, the amazing, talented, unpredictable, unbelievable persona of awesome that was is Katharine Hepburn ( ... )


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