I am suicidal and just a LITTLE bit stupid

Feb 13, 2009 03:46

1. 3.47am for the epic lose. Omigod. I need need NEED to stop watching Emil Chau videos. NEED TO STOP. Except cannot, because aieee, so obsessed. *weeps ( Read more... )

yoga, worker bees die faster, emil chau, i fail, sleep patterns of fail, movies

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Comments 16

irnbruise February 12 2009, 22:50:54 UTC
I also found Slumdog to be way too soppy. I was worried it was going to make me want to throw things like that horrible awful film Millions that I can't believe Danny Boyle actually made, but it wasn't that bad. It's typical Oscar fodder, if you ask me.

Just because I don't like Moulin Rouge doesn't mean I'm not happy for you that your favorite singer did a song from it. I'm not THAT bad. ;)


ellixian February 14 2009, 22:49:14 UTC
Oh no, Slumdog wasn't as sentimental as Millions (which I actually really liked), but I didn't full-on LOVE IT like I did Sunshine... UNTIL THE END. Fail. I'm awful though. Benjamin Button is even MORE Oscar fodder - genuinely Forrest Gump with magical aging dude as star - and I fell for it. FAIL.

Yay. I like that you're open-minded. XD HOPE YOU'RE HAVING FUN IN OK.


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