Badass Soup: once more with measurements (illustrated edition)

Jan 10, 2012 00:09

So, in a fit of unaccustomed culinary genius, I came up with this recipe a while back. Various folks in various places have tried it out, found it good, and indicated that something with a bit more specificity wouldn't go amiss ( Read more... )


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Comments 8

drakyndra January 10 2012, 09:38:07 UTC
This soup of yours looks really tasty (and, yay, vegetarian), but sadly I don't think I have a pot nearly big enough to cook all that in. Which is a pity.


elliptic_eye January 10 2012, 13:03:16 UTC
Scale 'er down, yo. The sweet potato-to-squash ratio is flexible.


infinitlight January 10 2012, 11:45:25 UTC
That sounds AMAZING. I don't even have a kitchen, but I'm bookmarking this for future reference.


elliptic_eye January 10 2012, 13:04:13 UTC
And never shall you lack for vitamin A.


nonelvis January 10 2012, 13:57:26 UTC
Your table has that giant white space above it because there are like 30
tags before it, lord only knows why.

Anyway, bookmarking this for future enjoyment.


elliptic_eye January 10 2012, 19:41:59 UTC
I can't see the tags in either the entry's html or the page source view-how did you make them show up for you?


nonelvis January 10 2012, 19:50:41 UTC
I used a magic browser tool -- Safari's "inspect element" command, though Firebug would have worked just as well. Still, if you can't see the extra spaces when you try to edit the entry, it's not going to be fixable. Thanks a bunch, LJ.


elliptic_eye January 10 2012, 20:57:21 UTC
In all fairness-though I hate to be fair-the problem originated on Dreamwidth, not here. In any case, thanks for verifying that I'm not just crazy.


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