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Comments 4

drho January 3 2012, 02:10:40 UTC
Exactly. All of this.


(The comment has been removed)

elliptic_eye January 3 2012, 20:15:49 UTC
It's not so much that fandom beats the thinking out of one as that you reach a point where you see the fail but think, "eh, there'll be awesome fic deconstructing it within the week." If one's brain isn't halfway to writing that fic already.

Of course, I say that, but really I'm totally inconsistent about it. :P Bits of fail that I can be zen about in one place can crop up in a very similar manner elsewhere and make me rage, and I don't fully understand why Y pushes my buttons when x doesn't, half the time.


scarletsherlock January 3 2012, 21:32:49 UTC
The things that made you squeeful made me squeeful (Molly has STONES, for sure, but so does Mrs. Hudson! FTW!!), but there was SO MUCH I didn't like. I outright HAAAATED a whole lot of it. Just, ugh.


airie_fairy January 3 2012, 23:17:07 UTC
I've always loved Molly. Mostly out of sympathy and because she was kind of adorable, and I have this weird magnetic attraction to Sherlock/Molly of the variety that I really, for her sake, would never want it to happen. But she really fulfilled my love for her in this episode, with the way she stood up for herself through her tears at the party, and that she's not so Pathetically Lovelorn that she's not even invited to the party. Also her hair is great. Also did Sherlock forget she's into him, or did he just never actually get it ( ... )


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