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Comments 29

amaresu February 26 2011, 02:04:45 UTC
I've got no links because SUPERNATURAL NO LONGER OWNS MY SOUL. *cough*

I've been thinking about downloading tonights episode and watching it because fandom_wank told me it would have Misha essentially playing himself. I am afraid though because it was Monster at the End of the Book that pulled me back in after I had successfully given up Supernatural after S3. Let me know how it goes? If it's true that Misha plays himself I want to watch it, but I don't want to be sucked into the black hole of pain that is Supernatural.


elliptic_eye February 26 2011, 02:17:58 UTC
I'm planning to try to watch it, when I get a chance, but honestly? I doubt I'll be able to get through it. It just sounds so excruciatingly embarrassment-squicky. However, your tidings that Misha is supposedly playing himself intrigues me. Hmmm. Will definitely let you know how it goes.


amaresu February 26 2011, 02:20:31 UTC
He apparently plays a Twitter obsessed actor. Hopefully this means a Twitter obsessed actor with a legion of fans willing to go on absurd scavenger hunts for him. Because that would get me to watch the show.


nonelvis February 26 2011, 03:05:52 UTC
I LOL'd several times, and you know I've never seen the show before. In fact, still lol'ing that the episode was called "The French Mistake."


bibliotech February 26 2011, 03:27:53 UTC


elliptic_eye February 26 2011, 03:48:51 UTC

But it's not just me, right? I mean, they would fuck in a manner at points not easily distinguishable from warfare, and it would be hot like a Wolf-Rayet star, Y/N?


scarletsherlock February 26 2011, 03:41:34 UTC
Pleaaaaaase please please tell me you hated that shit as much as I did. I. Wanted. To. Die. My f-list and twitter is falling over themselves but I was honestly nauseated and horrified. Ugh!!

But I agree with your canon, oh yes. Mmm, Sassy. I also ship Cas/Balthazar hardcore. XD

I will give you linkage when I'm not on my phone. I've seen a bit of Meg slash this week. (I posted a Sam/Ruby in my LJ today, btw.)


elliptic_eye February 26 2011, 03:45:55 UTC
Haven't seen it yet! All I've seen/read sounds like "The Real Ghostbusters" all over again, of which I was not a fan. But I'll give it a try.

Cas is just so shippable.

I will give you linkage when I'm not on my phone.
Sam/Ruby in my LJ today



scarletsherlock February 26 2011, 05:50:48 UTC
Judge for yourself, YMMV and all that, but GodDAMN, I hated it. It was everything squicky and uncomfortable about "The Real Ghostbusters" and "The Monster at the End of This Book" times 1000. Misha stole every scene he was in and Genevieve Cortese (apparently going by Padalecki now) was hot. I liked Raphael's vessel. Also Balthazar. That's all the good I can say. I just know my mother was totally lost for 99% of the episode, and I wonder how many other devoted-but-not-"fandom"-involved-viewers were.

Cas is totally shippable with everyone. I blame this show for making me ship stuff in the first place. I only ever read or wrote gen until this damn thing. Now other than Wincest and RPF I basically ship everyone with everyone. IDEK. (This damn episode had people on twitter asking if RPF was RPF anymore because the guys are now "characters" on the show. GDI, Ben Edlund!)


elliptic_eye February 28 2011, 01:30:03 UTC
Okay, I made it about halfway through. Right up to the bit where they "have to do some acting." It took a lot of muting and averting my eyes, but I got there. To get past there, however, I think it'll take some alcohol.

Is there some bit toward the end that's actually plotified and worth watching, by any chance? Something one can skip to directly?

Genevieve Cortese (apparently going by Padalecki now) was hot.

Not gonna lie, it was awfully good to see her on my TV screen again. (I'm shallow, so sue me)


riseandshine February 26 2011, 09:52:00 UTC

Yes. That needed to be in caps lock. I'm not even ashamed.

(And, also. I didn't know you watched SPN O.o)


elliptic_eye February 26 2011, 16:36:34 UTC
I didn't know you watched SPN. O.o I haven't actually watched it that long, and I don't post about it much, having only written one fic for it. BUT THE FACT THAT YOU CAN SEE THE VIRTUES OF SASSY AND DEAN WITH A LATTE-FOAM MOUSTACHE OBV. MEANS YOU ARE DOING IT RIGHT.



riseandshine February 27 2011, 19:09:04 UTC
having only written one fic for it

You wrote fic? May I see may I see? I've written a few too, though I store them over on my Dreamwidth (username unikorento, if you're interested), where there's less chance of course mates coming across something that I'd then have to explain over lunch at uni.

I only got into the show just before Christmas. It was the universe giving me personally a present, I think. I've not been this into a show since.. hmm... Buffy. Is that sad? That's a little sad.

And, whee! Gabriel icon! With eyebrows!


elliptic_eye February 27 2011, 19:59:16 UTC
Yah, but it's only porn: Scissile Which is weird, because despite the whole Sassy thing, the only kind of fic I really get much hankering to write for this fandom is gen.

Didn't even know you had a DeeWee! \o/ Have added you over there. Think I shall keep those fics of yours as a reward for finishing my papers this week.

I only got into the show just before Christmas. It was the universe giving me personally a present, I think. I've not been this into a show since.. hmm... Buffy. Is that sad? That's a little sad.

I don't see why, particularly. I dunno that I'm that into it, but I have come to grok it wayyyyy more than I ever thought I would. Am I an ass if I ask: Sam girl, Dean girl, or Cas girl? (Or, Ruby girl? Gabe girl? Meg girl?)

Gabriel's eyebrows cure cancer. But not for pompous jerks, because he's got a thing against them.


airie_fairy February 26 2011, 09:58:15 UTC
Whatever fandom possesses a participant who actually has the strength to make an 18 minute fanvid -- bonus points for how apropos it is, because at 18 minutes, the length alone is worth an award -- is a fandom that will make me curious enough to delve into its subject matter, even if I'd never cared before.


elliptic_eye February 26 2011, 16:33:45 UTC
*checks* Fifteen minutes. Well, sixteen.

I dunno, I could probably do a sorta-slow-paced "Alice" vid more easily than a shorter, slicker, faster-edited vid? But, then, I have never really vidded before. I always get bored after a few minutes of wrangling with cutting up the footage. Words are way easier.

Also trying to figure out if a vid that would make you delve into SPN would be a good thing. You might be happier without it.


airie_fairy February 26 2011, 18:36:27 UTC
What version do you have? The one on my album is seventeen-odd minutes, but I know some live versions break twenty.

Yeah, I'm kind of hoping no one will ever manage an SPN vid to Supernatural.


elliptic_eye February 27 2011, 20:04:58 UTC
My "Alice": http://www.amazon.com/Alices-Restaurant-Massacree/dp/B001CJXXM0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dmusic&qid=1298836838&sr=1-1 But you're right, my roommate's runs to 18:36. Huh. Weird, 'cause my version actually has a few lines that the "official lyrics" (HAH) on arlo.net doesn't, and I don't think it's particularly fast. There must be some bits he skips that I didn't notice.

Yeah, I'm kind of hoping no one will ever manage an SPN vid to Supernatural.

You're lucky I'm back in school, then, because I doubt I'll ever have the time.


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