WIP meme

Oct 27, 2010 16:46

Thanks for all the sympathy and well-wishes on the last post. ♥ Am much less emo now.

In lieu of actual content-yet again-a meme about WIPs! I love memes like that, they're so much easier than, y'know, actually finishing anything. Ganked from dacian_goddess

When you see this, post an excerpt from as many random works-in-progress as you can find lying ( Read more... )

character: gwen cooper, character: jason gideon, character: derek morgan, fandom: doctor who, character: ruby, character: romana, character: donna noble, pairing: jack/ianto, character: spencer reid, fic, pairing: six/peri, pairing: morgan/reid/garcia, character: six, fic: wips/fragments, fandom: supernatural, character: the rani, character: suzie costello, character: sam winchester, fic: gen, character: ianto jones, fandom: p. g. wodehouse, character: braxiatel, writing

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Comments 25

rushikayu13 October 28 2010, 00:00:57 UTC
...Oh God, the Valeyard would fit in so well at Torchwood. *cracks up*

Also, Istanbul, not Constantinople! I may have to re-read that at some point. :D


elliptic_eye October 28 2010, 02:49:30 UTC
Hmm… I can't imagine him actually staying, though. I think he'd get far, far too angry with Jack. But it's always a pleasure to pit them against each other.


thought_goddess October 28 2010, 00:02:57 UTC
"( 'Why not plague you?' said Braxiatel. 'I am the only one of your peers with both the willingness and the security clearance to come near you.' All Ushas
said was, dryly, 'Peers?' )"
I don't actually have time to read any of these (fantastic though they all look) as I'm probably late for class already, but... this? You should finish this. Because if the cut text is anything to go by it would be fabulous.


elliptic_eye October 28 2010, 02:48:23 UTC
I plan to finish it! Well, actually, I don't so much plan to as I have the vague intention of doing so, but still. I tell myself that it'll happen. (It has PhD candidate!Romana in it, too!)


agapi42 October 28 2010, 00:28:57 UTC
I am shamefully glad that I am not the only person to have not finished help_haiti fics.

These are really rather awesome. I love the Doctor's proclamation, arms outflung, that he will choose his next companion from this sci-fi group. :D (This has nothing to do with my own attendance of a similar group and our recent Movie Day, shush.)


elliptic_eye October 28 2010, 02:47:15 UTC
I am shamefully glad that I am not the only person to have not finished help_haiti fics.

Inorite? :| I, er, actually have two, but the other one doesn't have any good soundbites as yet. I WILL finish them. I will. …assuming I don't get hit by a bus anytime soon.


amaresu October 28 2010, 03:15:30 UTC
Can I just chime in as another person glad to not be alone in not finishing help_haiti fics? Cause I feel slightly less horrible now. Just slightly.


elliptic_eye October 28 2010, 03:27:05 UTC
We should make a club. Like, actually. Like Weight Watchers, only useful.


nonelvis October 28 2010, 02:16:41 UTC
Why do I not hate Six and Peri when you write them? I always hate Six and Peri.


elliptic_eye October 28 2010, 02:26:07 UTC
Because Six and Peri are actually awesome. One day I will finish that fic up there and prove this to you.


bluerosefairy October 28 2010, 02:50:48 UTC
PLEASE finish the Brax and Romana and Rani one. Pleasepleaseplease. Because I can absolutely see Ushas being utterly unimpressed by Brax.


elliptic_eye October 28 2010, 03:42:49 UTC
I will! I don't know when, but it's on my shortlist of Things I Will Finish So Help Me, along with the Santa Fe!CM fic, the help_haiti fics, "Istanbul," and the Six/Peri in 1896 fic. Fortunately, its canon is old enough it should be safe to wait a bit.


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