Title: Get Well Soon
Fandom: Kamen Rider Den-o
Characters: Ryotarou
Pairing: Yuu/Ryou
Words: 260
A/N: I love Den-o. I wish Decade would leave it alone...
The flowers were a nice gesture. Yuuto had nothing to do with them, but they were still a nice gesture. Even if Yuuto were somehow --- for lack of a better word-- possessed to send flowers, he probably wouldn't sign the card in green crayon and bubble letters. Ryotarou would have to talk with Deneb about sending flowers with a little less pollen though, he thought as another sneeze caused the dull ache in his rib cage to skyrocket back to incapacitating pain. He tried to push the flowers a little farther away, out of the cross breeze from the hospital's air conditioner, but the IV in his arm limited his movement and sent the basket clattering to the floor in an explosion of zinnia petals and nutrient water.
Ryotarou sighed. Now he'd have to call the nurse who would also probably be wondering how a basket of zinnias has materialized after visiting hours anyway. Reaching for the call button, Ryotarou noticed a familiar black rectangle of paper where the basket had once sat. He managed to grab the ticket without knocking anything else over and read the date on the front (two weeks before the last adventure punched a new hole in Ryotarou's Ikeda Hospital Frequent Visitor card). The sides were damp, as if it had been wedged into the bottom of the flower basket. Attached to the other side was a short note: "Quit almost getting killed. See you then."
A grin spread across Ryotarou's face. If he remembered right, two weeks ago was a clear, sunny day.