GFG Drabbles

Oct 15, 2009 17:35

For zelda_zee

Forgive and ye shall be forgiven (Eko)

In the end, there was no resemblance to Yemi, yet he called the swirling blackness “brother” because he knew it to be so. Not a brother of blood and bone, but a kin nonetheless. Eko recognized the entity as damned, a mirror of their collective sins. So it destroyed and it stole and it survived, and in that, it was no more a monster than it was a man. It too was as forsaken as everyone else on this island. That is why he called the smouldering creature his brother. That is why, with his last breath, Eko forgave it.

For gottalovev

Famous Last Words (Miles)

No one thinks to tell him Dan’s been killed. What’s one more corpse when you’re planning to detonate a nuke? Miles finds out when their jeep drives through Hostile territory and he’s hit with someone’s final thought, one so enigmatic and earnest it could only belong to Dan. “It all makes sense now.” Great Dan, could you not have had your profound epiphany before I was riding shotgun to ground zero? Rather than fume over the man’s cryptic certainty, Miles mourns his last connection to a world that knows disco is dead. Rest in peace, Dan. See you soon, probably.

For siluria

Curtain Call (Richard)

He finds satisfaction in things which are finite. One might presume it’s the certainty Richard craves. Not so. Rather, he is a collector of the obscure, and true conclusions are just as rare as a bottle of Chateau d'Yquem or the feather of a Great Auk. Longevity allows him to notice that nearly all things are in perpetual rotation - be it night and day or savagery and civilization. And on this isle, even the most terminal of events can be paused at Jacob’s whim. So he makes do celebrating mundane endings - a good meal, a good book, a good coup.

fic: drabble

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