fic: Her Bad Day

Aug 30, 2007 21:37

I've been working on a sequel to "Her Curiosity," but it's been slow going. I figured I'd post this in the meantime.I wrote it awhile back as the first part of a fic that I planned to end in smut. I got writers' block and shelved it for awhile, but I'm thinking of picking it back up. I warn you, though, it might be awhile before I start part 2 (I have a tendency to get myself into to many fics at once).

Title: Her Bad Day (Part 1)
Fandom: Scrubs
Pairing: Jordan/Elliot
Rating: Any age (for this part)
Archiving: P&P and The Nurses' Station are fine. All others please ask:
Summary: Jordan needs a favor.
Author’s Note: I wrote this awhile back. Don't judge me. :)
Disclaimer: I don’t own Scrubs or the characters.

Ellliot Reid strolled through the hospital corridor with an ear-to-ear grin and an unmistakable bounce in her step. It had been one of those all-too-rare good days at Sacred Heart: tests on Mrs. Maher, her melanoma patient, indicated remission, Mr. Taft was showing no signs of GVHD after a risky liver transplant, and, best of all, it was soup and frozen yogurt day in the cafeteria. Plus, that night, Elliot had plans with--

Jordan Sullivan.

Actually, Elliot didn’t have plans involving Jordan at all, unless ducking into a coma patient’s room at first sight of the she-devil headed in her direction counted. And, to be fair, that really wasn’t so much a plan as an impulsive decision sparked by Elliot’s extreme fear of the older woman, and her simultaneous and very strong desire not to have her day ruined.

Elliot did her best to look like she was concentrating hard on the chart she was using to partially obscure her face, and, for a few moments, she barely breathed. She waited until she heard the sound of high heels clacking past the door before she sighed with relief, turning to exit the room and continue on her journey to the cafeteria.


Elliot froze in her tracks, flinching and letting out a quiet stream of fricks under her breath.

“Just who I was looking for,” Jordan said as she caught up to the blonde doctor. “Jack’s babysitter bailed on me tonight. Something about her mom having cancer, or something. Can you believe it?”

Elliot frowned and opened her mouth to answer, but Jordan kept talking. “Anyway, I have a really important spa appointment, so I’m going to need you to watch Jack tonight.”

“Gee, Jordan, I would love to, but, actually, I have a date.” Elliot couldn’t resist the smile that crossed her face when she said those last words.

“Wow, that’s great for you!” Jordan exclaimed. “You must be so excited!”

Elliot giggled girlishly and nods in agreement.

“Well,” Jordan continued happily, “since you’re so excited about it, why don’t I just tell you what’s going to happen so that you don’t have to wait in suspense all day?! He’ll take you to nice restaurant, where you’ll have an awesome time alternating between stressing out over whether you have food in your teeth and desperately trying to contain the crazy so that you don’t turn him off to the point that he goes to the bathroom and never comes back. Then, when you do finally make it to the movies, you’ll spend the entire time worrying about the fact that the theatre’s so cold that your nipples are showing and, OMG, that totally sends the message that you’re a slut!

Jordan paused before concluding. “Basically, the whole night will end up being just another failed attempt to fill the internal void you have because Daddy never loved you.”

Elliot stared back at Jordan, jaw slack and eyes glistening with tears.

“There!” Jordan said brightly. “Now you don’t even have to go!” She grabbed Elliot’s hand and deposited a spare key in it. “Be at the apartment by 6:30. I’ll be in the shower, so you can let yourself in.”

Thanks in advance for any help. Now, back to the research I should be doing.


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