Resources and Credit

Aug 22, 2007 14:29

Resources and Credit

Will be adding more as i come across the stuff that i have used
If u see something that I have used and dont have u on the list
please let me know so i can add u to it
Thanks :)


3mused 77words 78777 823_emporium acidicicons addicted_smiles alvalette angelfish_icons anothersilence apparating applepie_icons arisubox ashenvale-moon

ashke-icons automaticxheart babliz bambinainnero billibelle bleedblack_rsc blimey-icons blooming_art bobbylyn-n brittany-xss bunny_icons ohgalore camelgraphics caugraphics

cdg cereal_killerz celestalgraphic ceruleansun chamberten chaoticfae charlieandi cherry-kiss-red cheyenne-maria chic_lipstick chokeonsunshine cielo-gris cla22ire

clouded_sun creative_pics coffeeforcloser coloredicons colorset coloures coloured_skies concretegirlxx conspiracyicons cookiestome cookinbythebook creaphics

crushcrushicons crystalsc cylonish dactyliotheca damnicons darkxshines david-lucena daylight-rose ddg_textures dearest distractiions domeofstars douknowhoiam

dream-gloss drsicons drycolor dulcesuenos dustypaper edgeofthewater eledhwen-girl elloguvnah endelyn ennife eowyn-rus erniemay estheticons eveningwalk ewanism

expose42 facking_icons fakerainbow fallingconfetti fandombrushes farawlat-dxb fauxhawkk fidra flamelove forevernevermor frictionally fuentedesoda fuyuno

ghost-goodthing girlish_stuff go-clo graceful_shadow haudvafra hellodarliing hellomrfox hex_graphics hl_upics ianthinus iconetwork icons_by_mea ihearttoronto iiokua inma-ny

innocent-lexys jounins junkdejour just-miya kekoah kiho-chan killabarbie kirjava17icons laes112 latexandleather lemonpunch libumkeiki lifeisdolce lillianporter

lore-85 lusciouss-x madika555 magic-fantastic magicaltrio mangoninja mata090680 matchbox_icons may_icons memorycharm metaspeshul minutes-of-me misarte

momentofglee moonstone-icons titelfe mutsie_brushes nivani nilsi-pilsifan nodazzle obiatori obsidianlight obsidian_gaze offbeat-upbeat onlyabreath onlydreamers

oxoniensis paine-09 peak77 perfetc__ petit_pixel phintest piemin pildas pink_cosmos pink_raz0r pixelfun poisonbluepoisondraft policromo profoundly-grey

purebloodicons p_i_x_a_r ranoutofcreativ restless_dreamz resunik reyesphile re_cycled rip_graphics robotsex rockneziss rythmique sarkasmuz satanistno666 scrapbookart

seemyhands serene_infinity sevtex sheerperfume singforme-x soaked sparkof_icons spiritcoda spooky-window starlit-designs statisticsshow superdupermike sweetgirl7808

synnix tacticons tearjerkericons tempting_world tenandathird the13thboombox the_preamble thest_one thor-i-lover threeeyespei th-gfx tomycoffee tove-91

tralala_icons treasurechest81 tropicalsundae ullaaa ultravioleticon unanalyzed uncreativ undersea_design uninvitedgrace urbanstrokes viciousgur vickinator vikyvampirs90

vintageforest violateraindrop vol4itca visual_drug vous_le_savez white-lilie whyteleafe winter-kismet xaddictionsx xgraphicjunkie xinstinctive xonlyashesx xsnehax xswaniconsx yourdeal yunhe zimona



burgundy_shoes dragonlady981 eternal_icon iamellie outgone bluebear-74 applepie_icons marishna andreas-ri In A Dream



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