Feb 13, 2015 23:56
Yesterday was Fat Thursday and I went in the search of doughnuts while the weather was getting progressively worse and worse. The day started nice with sunny and warm weather. Then it got cloudy and then the wind stated. The wind was getting colder and colder with the temperature rapidly dropping. I think I even saw couple of snowflakes. By the time I got my doughnut, finished work and was ready to go home it felt like it was below freezing. It wasn't but the wind chill and frigid air the wind blew in make it felt that way. The temperatures dropped to -6oC at night.
it warmed up during the day today and so it will tomorrow but the nights are to get colder and colder - I think -11oC on tomorrow night. By Sunday even the day temperature is to stay below freezing. On Monday and/or Tuesday it might even snow. I would be enjoying this possibility but I have air travel planned.
Last year I didn't manage to get to a conference in San Francisco because snowstorm cancelled all the flights. Let's see if I can get there this year. I'm to fly on Wednesday. Right now the forecast says it should be snow free but it can still move. Last year it did. It moved and hit precisely as I was supposed to take off. Also I'm flying there through Atlanta and then coming back through Detroit. I hope I'll be able to go through both of them without a problem. Especially on my way back. I don't want to get stuck in Detroit in cold winter weather. I'm not going to have the right clothes for northern kind of winter.
I usually only make post about my travel public after I'm back but since the snow is coming tomorrow I'm making it visible to friends. Let's see if I'm going to get there or not.