Sea Monster Month crowdfunding project: Sea Monster Scale Chart

May 05, 2014 11:03

May is Sea Monster month!

But a lot of our sea monsters may not seem that ferocious... a turtle? A snail? A ring leech? Part of their monstrosity rests in their scale, and that's hard to get a sense of from numbers. So, I'm compiling a scale chart! I have, at the unveiling of this project, completed seven of the creatures, all scaled together on one easy-to-reference chart. I will be releasing the art I've done for it individually, but here's a peek at the chart so far:

It will be rearranged as (if!) more sea monsters get sponsored, to make room for as many as we need, and each sea monster will get a text label. There will also be a graphic scale. I plan to have this finished by the end of May, so new monster sponsorships end Wednesday, May 21! (You can purchase general sponsorships or get ACEO packs and existing monsters until the end of May.)

Sponsor some Sea Monsters!

Sponsor $1 (You may change the quantity in the cart to add any amount!)

All sponsors will receive a large PDF of the final scale chart. You can print it - and even color it! Per group goals, you will also receive a large PDF of the new border, which you can print and use as stationery (for personal use only).

Postcard sponsorship: For any sponsorship of $5 or more, you get a postcard print of the final scale chart. $5.00

Print sponsorship: For any sponsorship of $25 or more, a print of the finished scale chart is included, so you don't have to squint over the teeny text on the postcard! $25.00 (or select a sponsorship from below! The print is included free with any sponsorship over $25!)

ACEO sponsorship: A collection of ACEO prints of all the monsters in the final piece - no matter how many we get to! (At least 11, at last count!). This is a separate sponsorship and is not included with the other sponsorships. You may purchase it as an 'add-on' at any point in the month, or by itself (you will receive a postcard print of the final scale chart). $20.00

You may make a general sponsorship (above), or you can sponsor a specific sea monster!

Sponsorships may also be paid with EMG credits or Torn World credits. (Please note - US shipping is included. Please estimate $10 extra for sponsorships including a print or 9 x 12 artwork sent internationally.)

Your monster sponsorship nets you the original artwork, a postcard print of the finished chart, and your patronage listed at the webpage. You also receive a postcard print of the final scale chart. (For sponsorships of $25 or more, you also get a print of the final chart!)

Already done: (You'll get thumbnails as they are released at the Torn World site!)

  • Trapjaw - 8.5 x 5.5 inches, ink on sketch paper. $15

  • Dreamskate - 8.5 x 5.5 inches, ink on sketch paper. $15

  • Giant Sea Turtle - 8.5 x 5.5 inches, ink on sketch paper. $15 SOLD

  • Jellyriggers - 9 x 12 inches, ink on bristol. $25

  • Soldierfish - 8.5 x 5.5 inches, ink on sketch paper. $15

  • Sea Serpent - 8.5 x 11 inches, ink on sketch paper. $15

  • The Thunder-Whale - 9 x 12 inches, ink on bristol. $25

  • Whalebears - A large, flippered sea monster that hunts on land, ice and in the sea. $20 - sold!

  • A new border, as funded by the group goals! $20

    (not yet at the site)
  • A diver for scale, as funded by the group goals! $10

  • The Frilled Whale (or, the Guppy - a custom request!):

  • The Smartarm:

    Available sea monsters (sorry, no longer available!):

  • Drill Barnacles - Not a 'monster,' exactly, but definitely a monstrous ocean pest! $15
  • Ring Leech - A lamprey-like parasite that can grow to 10 feet long. $15
  • Blimpfish - A medium-size herbivore who thinks mid-sized boats look sexy. $20
  • Deathfin - A long-necked, predator of the southern seas that is a leading cause of injury and death among warsailors. (I have a sketch!) $20
  • Harpoon Snails - Large snail-like predator. $15
  • Heat-Thief - A reptilian northern predator that grows to 80 feet. $25
  • Snagtooth - A dolphin-shaped, armored sea monster with large, curling rear teeth. $20
  • The Weed-Eater - A smaller herbivore among the sea monsters. $20
  • Invent a new one! - I will work up a new sea monster to (carefully!) place in our ecological web. You may request features, and I will draw it up for you. ($45, limit 2 - sold out! )

    Crowdfund some Creatures!

    Here are the group goals.

    $0: The above thumbnail is the base chart. If nothing else gets sponsored, you will at least get a larger image of that to use as a reference, released after each individual sea monster portrait is unveiled. A print-resolution PDF of the finished scale chart will be available for Torn World supporters only.

    $25: At least eight sea monsters will be on the final chart.

    $25.00 / $25

    $50: Every sponsorship that includes a purchase will receive a bonus (random) ACEO print of one of the monsters! At least nine sea monsters will be on the final chart.

    $50.00 / $50

    $100: I will add a human diver for scale

    $100.00 / $100

    $150: I will redo the borders with something less generic and more suited for the sea monsters. This border will be available for all sponsors to print out and use as stationery!

    $150.00 / $150

    $200: I will add layers to the map program I'm working on to show current sea monster territories. You get 5 monster map layers at this level (I'll run a poll to decide which one) and there will be at least 10 sea monsters on the scale chart.

    $200.00 / $200

    $250: I will add 5 more sea monster territories to the map layers! (For a total of 10)

    $205.00 / $250

    $300: 5 more sea monster territories for the map, for a total of 15.

    $400: I will add 10 land animal territories to the map in layers, as selected by a poll.

    $500: I will make a small coloring book of every sea monster I draw for the chart available - free with all sponsorships over $50.

    ... I'll add more as I need them! I have no shortage of ideas!
  • artwork, torn world, crowdfunding, sea monster month

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