I've taken over dealing with the unwilling inhabitants of the Tin Cat, which involves taking the trap several blocks away to a vacant lot with a big oak tree and some bushes (and thus ensuring that they're never, ever coming back). Only two mice so far, but they seem pretty enthusiastic about that tree - the first one shimmied right up it, after a slow start (I had time to pet him... so soft! And yes, Mom, I washed my hands afterwards.) and the second one leaped out of the trap (boing!) and went for it after a brief romping detour through the grass. "Woah! Tree! Excellent!" Not as much of a shimmy, more of a crawl, but he appeared to be into the tree-climbing experience, too. Odd to see a mouse climb trees, since my past general experience with such furbazoids has been as ground critters.
Then again, these do seem to be white-footed mice - cute little buggers who love their trees. Reckon I could've popped him into the woodpile I passed along the way, but the homeowner might not have appreciated that. (Eh. The pile was a ways from the house, and right next to a nice big yard. Probably not a problem, but I'd rather that people not see me unloading a mouse trap near their house.)
I don't know who took the picture, but isn't this little guy cute? Assuming,
of course, that hse isn't actually living in your house! :)