NYC: Margaret Atwood Weds. night & Delia's YA panel Thurs.

Oct 10, 2011 17:50

All this month, NYC's wonderful Center for Fiction (formerly the Mercantile Library) presents a series of science fiction and fantasy events during centered on a celebration of Ursula K. Le Guin's novel A Wizard of Earthsea, called The Big Read.

I'll be participating in the events there on October 19th, 20th & 24th.  deliasherman moderates a YA panel this Thursday, Oct. 13th, featuring blackholly, cassandraclare, Justine larbalestier, &chris_moriarty.  These events are FREE.

And on Weds. night, Oct. 12th, Margaret Atwood is coming to speak on "the impact that science fiction has had on her life as a reader and a writer."

This event is not free.  But, for my Services to the Empire, I have been empowered to offer free tix for YOU!  To be on the Guest List for the Atwood event, go to this page.  Click on RSVP there, and in the Messages box type in code: EKSF

To RSVP for other events (which are free), please go to:
and click on individual dates in the "Big Read Events" box.  It's not like they won't let you in without an RSVP, but it helps them figure out how many are coming; and I suppose if something gets really crowded, the RSVPers will get first pick of seats in their really charming 1930s LiteroColonial building on E. 47th Street.  It's a pretty intimate space - and there are Refreshments after! And tons of used books downstairs.

The Center has assembled a remarkable list of speakers for these events, including John Crowley, Samuel R. Delany, Elizabeth Hand, Michael Swanwick,  N.K. Jemisin, John Wray,  Andrea Hairston, Alaya Dawn Johnson, Steve Berman, Carlos Hernandez, David G. Hartwell...  (I'm afraid you missed last week's Naomi Novik, Lev Grossman, Kelly Link, Katherine Anne Goonan et al panels.)

And it warms my heart to see a Serious Literary Institution giving such honor to a great author & observer of SF/F, and we, her acolytes.

So do come if you can.

For more information:

There's also a pretty entertaining post at rosefox 's Genreville about it all.

And if you thought Atwood wanted nothing to do with SF, you'll be pleasantly surprised with the recent interview she did with the Center's Dawn Raffel.

public appearances, nyc

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