Suddenly, I want to rush and finish the 30 days of lotr asap, and I think I can do that in 3 or 4 posts. Problem is, I don't know what to do once I've finished it.
Oh, also, you know when you're truly obsessed with something when you find yourself on google. It's happened to me with this fandom and with wolverine/rogue. Shame!!!
cut, cut, cut, how do you like it? how do you like it? XDDD )
Comments 2
Elrond's vision about the future of Arwen---> Totalmente de acuerdo... es que es muy triste, cuando se ve la tumba de Aragorn y todo. Ufff.
Legolas y Gimli juntos es que lo rulean todo, sea cual sea la situaciónxD
¡Besooos, guapaaaaaa!
La muerte de Aragorn siempre me ha parecido super triste, más todavía cuando ves la desolación de ella.
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