I'm getting excited with the harry potter commercials on tv, more and more often :) Unfortunately, I won't be able to see the film until next month, because I'll be working, but I hope I'll get to see it in December.
Today, I bring you more answers to the questions from the HP meme. I want to have it done before the film opens.
From day 15 to day 22 )
Comments 6
OotP is my favorite out of the books, I'd say. Maybe. Aside from the fact that I cannot finish it without crying like a baby, it still blows my mind every time. And it's so long! I used to be able to finish it and start it all over again lol. My family laughed at me so much. But it just kinda tells how much of an effect these books have had on me ♥ *insert epic love here*
I'd bring Sirius back, too. :<<
And really, Edward Cullen is a guy you can not love. The concept of the books is different.... :D
I appreciated OotP a little more the second time I read it. Maybe it's because it's so long that you keep discovering things reading after reading and probably won't be my least favourite book for long :)
Hey, I'm glad I'm not the only one who would bring Sirius back :D Everybody thinks first of Fred Weasley but the death of Sirius was too tragic, imo
Lol and also? "And really, Edward Cullen is a guy you can not love" was really meant to be "Edward Cullen is a guy you can't not love" lol. God I must've sounded incredibly rude! D; I must start proof-reading my comments before I post them. Sorry!
Aaaay, ¡McGonagall! ¡La adoro! Sería mi profesora favorita de no ser porque ese puesto lo ostenta Remus (♥), que a su vez es también mi personaje favoritoxD
Y Maggie Smith es que borda a McGonagall... como tú dices, ES ella... no puedo imaginármela con otra actriz:)
Yo también prefiero los libros. Las pelis son fantásticas (algunas más que otrasxD), pero los libros son infinitamente mejores ♥
Lupin también es un profe bien chulo, pero creo que no le elegí porque como sale tan poquito... Qué pena, habría sido un profesor de Defensa contra las artes oscuras cojonudo.
Es que las películas... las primeras pase, pero luego es como que hacen lo que les viene en gana y por ejemplo, El Príncipe Mestizo lo convierten en una comedia romántica cuando en el libro prima más el misterio y el pasado de Voldie (lo que no quita que sea descacharrante) Pero vamos, que no le llegan a los libros ni por asomo :=)
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