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Comments 23

basric November 8 2011, 04:33:10 UTC
Very true, we;; written.


Thanks. ellakite November 8 2011, 04:50:44 UTC
I'm going to state right up front -- I wasn't sure about this piece. I literally came up with the idea for this thing less than 4 hours before the deadline... and there was no way I could contact my usual proofreader to have them go over it before I posted it. I was sorely tempted to take a "bye" this week... and seeing how I'm in Tribe 3, where literally more than half the members took "byes"... I am now officially "running scared".

Ah, well. "The Die Is Cast", as old Julie once noted. Nothing more I can do about it now...


Re: Thanks. p_m_cryan November 8 2011, 17:33:40 UTC
You should fire your proofreader for standing you up like that. [rueful grin]

Anyway, I'm glad you posted this, since I got to hear those "Corey and Jon" tales long ago and had hoped they hadn't disappeared for good.

As individuals, each of my heroes was about as interesting as a five pound bag of fertilizer.

Some writers never learn the lesson you did.


I can't really blame my proofreader... ellakite November 8 2011, 22:35:51 UTC
I didn't even give the person four hours notice, and I know they've got plenty of other stuff going on in their lives.

Besides, if I really want quick reliable service, I suppose I should actually pay people for their time. [pulls nervously at shirt collar]

Yeah, Corey and Jon are still active in my thoughts... And I view that as a good thing.

Some writers never learn the lesson you did.

And I take great pride in the fact that I am still capable of learning.


sonophax November 8 2011, 05:37:46 UTC
I love reading about the evolution of characters! The more complex and carefully considered they are, the more I enjoy reading about them. As someone who shares a similar background in writing (and continuing love for trying to get it all out in a complete story!), this entry was near my interests. ;)

And they do genuinely sound like intriguing characters. Perhaps you might share some other bits about them with LJI?


Thanks. ellakite November 8 2011, 05:49:12 UTC
And they do genuinely sound like intriguing characters. Perhaps you might share some other bits about them with LJI?

I'm certainly willing, but first I have to see whether or not I survive this week. I'm in Tribe #3 -- one of the two tribes where over half the members took "byes". I'm not feeling too confident about my chances at the moment...


Re: Thanks. sonophax November 8 2011, 08:06:30 UTC
If it's any boost to the confidence, you have a vote from me!


Re: Thanks. phoenixisrisen November 8 2011, 15:10:07 UTC


baxaphobia November 8 2011, 15:57:20 UTC
It was interesting reading about the process you went through to develop your characters.


Thanks got letting me know... ellakite November 8 2011, 16:20:09 UTC
This piece literally sprang into my head at the last possible moment, and I know it's at least a little disjointed. But it's good to know that people find the core section interesting.

Thanks for commenting.


noodledays November 8 2011, 17:37:29 UTC
very much agreed.


ellakite November 8 2011, 22:37:19 UTC
Thanks so much!


(The comment has been removed)

p_m_cryan November 8 2011, 17:25:11 UTC

As I heard from someone else today, "This is how mythology happens: people talking to each other."


Actually, that's how a *LOT* of great ideas happen... ellakite November 9 2011, 05:49:03 UTC
... but it's especially true for myth-making.


Always nice to meet a kindred spirit. ellakite November 9 2011, 05:47:18 UTC
One thing I have discovered: sometimes the stories will write themselves, if you let them. And yes, the author may discover some unpleasant things about their beloved characters in the process... but they will be *INTERESTING* things. That's usually a fair trade.

Thanks for the feedback.


n3m3sis42 November 9 2011, 11:05:28 UTC
Nice tie-in to the topic.


Thanks! ellakite November 9 2011, 15:38:34 UTC
I'm rather happy with the topic tie-in myself. I just wish my muse had given me the idea much earlier; I didn't have the time to polish this piece, and I know *EXACTLY* how rough and stilted it is.

Still, I'm glad I wrote it. It is a topic I wanted to explore.

Thanks again for your feedback.


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