Back in 2007, I wrote a bit of commentfic for
poisonivory in hopes of making her feel better after she had a medical procedure done on her nose. I am now reposting it here (with a couple of typos fixed!), followed by the comment I made about the commentfic, labeled "Author's Notes".
"...and the bagpipes are the sinuses, with these French Horns as nostrils!" the gangly scientist finished triumphantly.
"Gee, that's swell, Gyro," Launchpad enthused. At least, Drake thought he was enthusing. It was so hard to tell with Launchpad, he mentally groused. Drake couldn't tell if the flyboy was really as big of an airhead as he seemed, or if there was a very subtle ironic sense of humour in there somewhere.
"Isn't it swell, DW?" Launchpad elbowed him, nearly knocking him over.
"Yeah. Swell." He crossed his arms.
"Well, let's fire it up!" Gyro said and proceeded to do so. As the horrible, horrible noise of Gyro's Giant Musical Model of the Head washed over him -- accompanied by a diesel belch of smoke -- Launchpad rested a hand on his shoulder and gave a little squeeze, and Drake relaxed slightly.
Sure, Launchpad's friends were a little... weird. But still... it was nice to be included.
Author's Notes:
I was originally going to write a story about your nose feeling abused and deciding to leave you and go on a vacation, but then it occurred to be how totally weird that would be, and that maybe not everyone anthropomorphizes their body parts in quite the same way that I do, so I went with ducks.
I just really love Drake and Launchpad. The Mallard-McQuack partnership is truly made of win, and I can only imagine that Launchpad kind of enjoys not being in the limelight quite so much, considering his ability to be good at, well, everything in Duck Tales -- but he still lived alone.
And had really adorable morning hair. That's neither here nor there, however.
...even if Drake would probably think it was adorable, too. But never say so, of course.