Okay, so apparently I wanted to try my hand at the "how did Tony get hired" thing myself after all. This is just a short ficlet.
Title: When He Smiles
Fandom: NCIS
Rating: E for everyone
The first time Ducky saw Tony DiNozzo smile -- grin, really -- a few things became clearer to him.
"Oh, my," he murmured under his breath. As soon as he judged the detective was out of hearing range, he commented to Gibbs, "He has very good dental work." An absent hum was his only response; his friend didn't ever look up from the files DiNozzo had brought. Gamely, Ducky tried again.
"Doesn't he remind you of someone when he does that?"
"Does what, Duck?" Gibbs glanced up as he flipped over a page.
"When he smiles, Jethro." Exasperatingly, Gibbs only very mildly raised an eyebrow, so Ducky leaned closer. "He reminds me of Abby," he said, pointedly.
Gibbs just gave him a quelling look, flicking his eyes to where Detective DiNozzo was approaching again.
"The coroner who worked on your Chief Ferguson has gone home for the day, but I got his home number and address." He offered the slip this was written on. To Gibbs, Ducky noted, although the young man's gaze had politely encompassed them both. "Dr. Hessman," he tagged on helpfully.
Gibbs glanced at it briefly, then handed it back.
"Take Dr. Mallard to see the body. I'll call Hessman and tell him to meet you there."
DiNozzo chuckled. "Yeah, I don't think he'll beat us there, he's not even in the city." But he grabbed his jacket.
Smart lad.
The detective picked up an unmarked car from the motor pool, with the definite air of someone who sweet-talked the sergeant there on a regular basis.
"I guess the idea is to let you get a good look at the vic before the local guy shows," DiNozzo commented as he started the engine.
"Speaking of 'local guys', however did you manage to get Gibbs to agree to let you work with us on this case?"
"I didn't, really." He glanced sideways at Ducky, driving them out of the Police Garage with easy familiarity. "My captain's kinda ticked that I called you guys without checking with him first. He foisted me on Agent Gibbs as a sort of punishment, figuring I could 'fetch coffee for the Feds, since I wanted them here so bad'." It had the air of a quote; DiNozzo shrugged.
"You did the right thing," Ducky assured him firmly.
"Yeah, I know." His glum expression turned suddenly mischievous. "So, who's Abby?"
Ducky blinked at him a moment.
"...You must have very good hearing, Detective."
"Yeah, I do. So?" He was grinning at the evasion, which only reinforced the resemblance in Ducky's mind. There was so much joie de vivre in that smile.
"Abigail is a genius forensic scientist who works for NCIS," Ducky revealed. "A very cheerful soul."
"Is she Gibbs's girlfriend?"
"Good heavens, no! He's old enough to be her father!"
"Huh." DiNozzo looked momentarily calculating, but it passed as he announced, "We're here."
Ducky had the feeling the detective would find himself with a job offer by the end of this case. Very sharp lad, indeed.