Two issues! New Exiles is a series about heroes from various realities wandering through other realities doing... stuff. One of the team members is black Heather Hudson who is Sasquatch (who, in regular comics, is a blond Jewish guy who works with a redhead caucasian Heather).
Also the world where Magneto was a woman, and her kids were the Scarlet Warlock and a female Quicksilver.
One of the other team members is a male Mystique. (Mystiq)
Comments 6
Sure it's been done before, but the timing is rather interesting.
Oh, man, does that make Bonaparte Lelouche? ;D They never give us his personal name...
Geass is Geass because Bonaparte invaded the Britannian Empire. Britanna just lost parts and then ate half the world --
And with the British queen (Empress, if these are all empires?) being over in North America -- well that's pretty damn Geass too --
The timing is rather cute. ;3
And with the British queen (Empress, if these are all empires?) being over in North America -- well that's pretty damn Geass too --
Strangely, they do call her the Queen. And apparently NYC is the capital of the Empire, which, yeah, that's very Britannian.
Also the world where Magneto was a woman, and her kids were the Scarlet Warlock and a female Quicksilver.
One of the other team members is a male Mystique. (Mystiq)
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