i see red

Feb 13, 2018 18:02

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Comments 10

sietepecados February 13 2018, 17:17:52 UTC
These are so amazing! I love the muted reds, the crop on 2nd is so pretty, I also really like the 1st and 6th :)


tturners February 13 2018, 17:22:40 UTC
thank you very much darling ♥


neatmonster February 13 2018, 17:54:43 UTC
These are gorgeous! I love the dark reds in all of these and the composition in 1, 3 and 6 :)


tturners February 17 2018, 16:39:59 UTC
Aaa thank you so much! ♥


violateraindrop February 13 2018, 19:04:41 UTC
These are awesome! I really like the crop of 2 and composition of 6 :)


tturners February 17 2018, 16:40:18 UTC
Thank you very much dear! :D


word_never_said February 17 2018, 20:46:09 UTC
GUH. I love the muted reds and now I need to watch l'histoire d'adèle h.

The textures in 1 are stunning, and love the crop of 2! And 6 is stuuning.


tturners February 17 2018, 20:52:03 UTC
Thank you SO much!! ♥

I saw the film for my French Literature class so you can imagine the mood when I approached the film but in the end it was incredibly well done and faithful to all the historical facts about Adèle Hugo and I truly appreciated it. The leading actress is just too good and pretty :p and the story is very Wuthering Heights-like. If you watch it, I hope you'll enjoy it! :D


word_never_said February 17 2018, 21:33:32 UTC
You're so welcome!

LOL. I adore her! I fell for her in Le Reine Margot, she's so devastatingly stunning and so sad in the film I can't wait to see it! :)


tturners February 17 2018, 21:37:34 UTC
WHAAT IT'S HER?? oh my gosh byeeee I will watch it asap!! I had it in my watchlist for ages but for some reasons never got to catch up. Now there's a super important reason to do that ;)


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