Title: The Price You Pay Author: Broedy Rating: T Characters/Pairings: Nate, Beth Summary: Picking up where *expletive* episode 209 left off, Nate and Beth wait to hear Eli's prognosis.
Another great part to this story. I love the Eli and Nate stuff, as usual. I also like that you explained why Nate was still in his apartment, when he had moved in with Beth. I actually wondered about that when I was watching the episode. You give a perfectly logical reason that I never thought of.
Aaand here's me, slapping myself for not making time to read this sooner.
I love how well you can capture the dynamics between the characters; you always have Eli/Nate's relationship spot-on, and you're expanding on this new one between Nate 'n Frank perfectly (and speaking of Frank....oh snap! xD). Excellent job, 'n still very hooking. <3
Comments 4
Poor Nate just needs a hug.
I love how well you can capture the dynamics between the characters; you always have Eli/Nate's relationship spot-on, and you're expanding on this new one between Nate 'n Frank perfectly (and speaking of Frank....oh snap! xD). Excellent job, 'n still very hooking. <3
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