I know I only posted Chapter 18 a few days ago, but hey - trying to get this ‘out of the way’! ;)
So I give you the penultimate chapter - rather darker in tone than the rest of the story I’m afraid (it is after all the sequel to ‘The Summer After’). Anyway, I’ll go away and concentrate on finishing the last chapter. (Work brain! Work
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Comments 34
“But there is no quitting Wolfram & Hart, Mr. Angel. You belong to us and we’ve merely been trying to find the best way of bringing you back.” Everyone else who signed a contract with W&H couldn't wiggle out of it. Luckily Spike never signed anything ever.
You couldn’t beat evil by doing evil, she knew that - she had lived it. She was about to speak, when Angel cut her off. “I know what you’re thinking. But you have a sacred birthright. I don’t! The Powers once chose me as their champion, but they’ve got another souled vampire now. My mission - my responsibility - is gone! And because of that I can do things you can’t. Things that need doing. You know, I don't think Angel really recovered from Spike beating him in Destiny. Cordy's kiss may have pointed out his mistakes but I still think he just gave up after that which is why he signed the no Shanshu agreement and he came up with that stupid plan to take out the Black Thorn and kill all of them. He just didn't care anymore. IMO of course.
Exactly. And Spike does seem to have more brains than Angel when it comes to W&H - just listen to him in 'Just Rewards'!
I don't think Angel really recovered from Spike beating him in Destiny.
There's a bit of that yes, but it goes back further than that. As kathyh put it, Buffy finally got to see Beige!Angel from S2... who turned his back on his mission to concentrate on Darla and Dru. Only now his mission (if there still is one) has been taken over by Spike!
Anyway, thank you very much for your (incredibly quick) feedback. And I just had to use this icon... ;)
And I'm very curious to see how you can possibly tie this up in one more chapter!
I know... but then Angel's illusions about Buffy were shattered too, so I figured I ought to be fair! (If that makes sense?)
he's just so much more intreguing when he's dark.
Oh yes! As 'romantic interest' he's a bit dull, but as Dark Avenger? Mmmmmm - one of my favourite characters!
And your icon is brilliant! ::loves::
I love Dark Avenger!Angel, too. And I have a certain fondness for Dork!Angel. I really fell in love with him when I saw him "dancing" in the credits of a season 1 ATS episode. The scene where he has to wear the pink helmet to ride on Wesley's motorcycle is great too!
Buffy's rose-tinted spectacles have been shattered for good now, and I can only see it as a good thing. But Angel's not necessarily wrong, and I hope Buffy can get some perspective on that. Her own viewpoint is too narrow and speciesist. Whether it is right to kill someone or not should not be determined purely by their DNA makeup.
One thing - surely it was six little words, not five?
Squee! I *never* get tired of praise from really brilliant writers! :D
But Angel's not necessarily wrong, and I hope Buffy can get some perspective on that.
I was actually thinking about Giles in 'The Gift' when I wrote this chapter (and it's what Angel refers to):
BEN: ... She could've killed me.
GILES: No she couldn't. Never. And sooner or later Glory will re-emerge, and ... make Buffy pay for that mercy. And the world with her. Buffy even knows that... and still she couldn't take a human life.
(But I will deal with some of this in the last chapter, so I'll not elaborate more now)
surely it was six little words, not five?
I counted it's as one word - but I did wonder whether that was correct.
And life is never black and white... which Buffy knows very well, but I think that she still likes to hold onto some 'childish' ideas. Which one can't really blame her for, but it's interesting to try to make her see things as they really are.
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