Title: The First Time Rating: R A/N: We're almost at the end here. Not quite, but almost. But first, if she wants to be with Pepa, there's someone Marta's got to get past first....
AAAAAhhh chica what did he say? i give this to you, you brought out a fic story that has been REAL in heart. I mean the ORIGINAL story did end w/ the death of Pepa's BELOVED Silvia. This fic has walked me as a fan through her grief A LOT more than the original story writers EVER did. For that I say THANK YOU I appreciate your work & love for the characters. Simply said BRILLIANT! =D
If I had to guess, I think he said something along the lines of, "I like you, and I can see that you're good for Pepa. But if you hurt her, I'm going to break both your legs." There might have been a comment about his cojones thrown in for good measure. :)
Thank you, swiftly, for your comments. I really appreciate them - they mean a lot to me!
Whaaaat! That was too short! I want to know what Don Lorenzo said! :P Lovely story. I love how you're making Pepa happy which is more than what I can say about the show. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Ah, I can't leave her all sad and miserable and pining for the rest of her life. That would just compound sadness with more sadness. Can't do it!
But I think that DL pretty much laid it on the line with Marta. Now that he has Pepa under his protective wing, nobody but NOBODY better hurt his daughter. Marta would do well to tread carefully!
*giggles* Oh, I just enjoyed this chapter way too much! *sighs with a stupid grin* I hope he threatened her! I hope he promised to cut her and then shoot her with the antique police guns they discussed. I ho- what? No, I am not being unfair and psychotic! xD kidding, but, I'm pretty sure he just threatened her not to hurt Pepa or stomp on Silvia's memory or he'd shank her with a toothpick or something... am I close? xD
BTW, I've decided to compromise to stay in your journal and still get to mingle with the nudists! *nods emphatically with a smile* I can keep my winmple on. Perfecto, no?
Juney, have you ever considered seeing someone about these rather alarming violent tendencies you have? Running around in a nun's costume while brandishing a pitchfork, hoping that DL shanks poor Marta with a toothpick....these are, you know, not exactly the most healthy ways to express yourself....I just worry, is all. For the safety of others. And myself. And, well, Marta too. She's got enough to worry about. Now she's got to contend with both wild, unpredictable Pepa, and the very protective father of Pepa's lost love. Not so easy, eh?
So, your current state of dress, if I understand this correctly, is a wimple and little else? How...unusual. Tell me, does that get chilly after a while? And do the nudists feel that you're still adhering to the spirit of nudist life?
Comments 9
i give this to you, you brought out a fic story that has been REAL in heart. I mean the ORIGINAL story did end w/ the death of Pepa's BELOVED Silvia. This fic has walked me as a fan through her grief A LOT more than the original story writers EVER did. For that I say THANK YOU I appreciate your work & love for the characters. Simply said BRILLIANT! =D
If I had to guess, I think he said something along the lines of, "I like you, and I can see that you're good for Pepa. But if you hurt her, I'm going to break both your legs." There might have been a comment about his cojones thrown in for good measure. :)
Thank you, swiftly, for your comments. I really appreciate them - they mean a lot to me!
What if I tell you there might be a little something more upbeat when this story is over? Will that make you feel better?
But I think that DL pretty much laid it on the line with Marta. Now that he has Pepa under his protective wing, nobody but NOBODY better hurt his daughter. Marta would do well to tread carefully!
BTW, I've decided to compromise to stay in your journal and still get to mingle with the nudists! *nods emphatically with a smile* I can keep my winmple on. Perfecto, no?
So, your current state of dress, if I understand this correctly, is a wimple and little else? How...unusual. Tell me, does that get chilly after a while? And do the nudists feel that you're still adhering to the spirit of nudist life?
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