elisa_rolle Nov 25, 2014 09:58
in the spotlight, author: michael griffo
elisa_rolle Mar 19, 2012 11:52
author: kate mcmurray, author: amy lane, author: paul russell, author: larry closs, author: michael graves, author: zahra owens, author: gregory g. allen, author: kergan edwards-stout, author: michael griffo, author: wayne hoffman, author: ellis carrington, author: andrew grey, author: nora olsen, author: james earl hardy, author: tessa cardenas, author: christopher bram, author: s.a. garcia, author: laurie weeks, author: justin vivian bond, author: jerry l. wheeler, author: edmund white
elisa_rolle Oct 26, 2011 20:42
review, author: michael griffo, theme: coming of age, theme: vampires, genre: paranormal, length: novel