omg! a stooryy!!
Yea. Finally. Haha. I can finally make this story since I have the right clothes XD See...Thomas shall finally arrive (when actually he has been with me for a year xD). He's finnished and cool and shall make an entrance.
Also...I bought a new camera yesterday and wanted to learn to use it. *3* (more of that later) and Korone/
evadreams made a story today. So this is actually made by equally both of us. The story, pics and texts were written together. :3 yayness.
but...let's begin...
Pepper:Lucifer, it's much easier to pick them up by standing...
Lucifer: But I reach the lower ones better this way..%D
Eliel: you need to pick up more from the left!
Pepper: Umm. Aren't you going to give us a little helping hand? You're just standing there...
Eliel: I'm the team leader! I don't have to.
Evangeline: Don't bother, Pepper. He's never helping. Besides, we do this better without him.
Pepper: *sighs* Thought so.
Lucifer: I picked this for you, Kingly! %3
Eliel: Oh shush! I'm the biggest help here! I supervice your doings.
Evangeline: Sure thing, brother.
Evangeline: But with that attitude, you always miss the funparts!
Lucifer: This is the funpart!
Evangeline: See? Even he likes taking off the christmas decoration. It's as fun as putting them on the tree.
Eliel: *huffs and puffs*
Rei: Oh, you kids decided to take the christmas tree down?
Lucifer: Strip the tree! %D
Evangeline: Yap! It's the last day when christmas decorations should finally be taken off. :3
Lucifer: Here! You can help us!
Rei: Uh...Sure thing. ( but what am I going to do with this? And why did he gave this to me...)
Lucifer: *runs off to take more off* lalalalalalal~~~~
Eliel: Yes! Take off the highest ones, tall freak!
Rei: Watch your mouth young man.
Evangeline: Yay! More people to help us out! This is fun.
Eliel: Now hurry up! We dont have all day you lazy bum!
Eliel: ..!
Rei: You're too loud, king.
Eliel: What the hell are you doing?! Take this thing off my head!!!
*everyone ignores*
*ding-dong the doorbell rings*
Lucifer: What's that noice?! The tree is making ding dong noices!
Rei: I think it was the doorbell.
Pepper: Should someone go and get it?
Eliel: *yells in the background*
Evangeline: I think someone else will get it. I think I heard someone opening the door already.
Eliel: What?! No-one comes in without my permission!
Rei: Oh, what a strict king we have.
Evangeline: Eliel, shut up already!
Lucifer: yay! %D
Lucifer: What if there's Santa again? Will he have your permission to come in, oh kingly king?
Eliel: No. He needs my permission too. But I can forgive him if he gives me presents.
???: There there. Just relax and take a deep breath.
Rei: Oh, hi there.
Pepper: Finally someone to make our 'king' quiet. x3
Morris: Hahaha. You kids are always such a riot.
Evangeline: Yay! more people to help!
Rei: Oh, by the way. Did you hear the doorbell ring just a second ago?
Morris: Actually, that's what I wanted to talk about with you guys.
...continues in the NEXT POST....dun-dun-dunnnnn.....
[edit a bit later: agh! sorry for those who read this before this! 80 The pics were in wrong places x__x they were one pic behind in the texts agh. now all should be in norder and the story is comprehensive XD;;;)