LJ Content Strike: Friday Mar 21

Mar 18, 2008 23:52

I'm never sure how effective one-day boycotts are. But I'm perfectly willing to join them. Especially given how SUP's director of blogs thinks " there's never been a successful company whose success was based on bowing to collective resistant forces"... note that he's calling his paying customers "resistant forces." (The full text of the interview ( Read more... )

lj issues

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Comments 4

caersidi March 19 2008, 07:47:15 UTC
I do hope squeaky is prepared for what might be a massive spike in posts over at InsaneJournal.

Even though my own position was 'not bothered' by the 12th March change, I am joining in the strike due to respecting a picket line. Plus, sometimes the 'people' need to come together. You'd think the Russians would get that wouldn't you given their history?

I am a little concerned that there is an element on LJ - call them pranksters or the type that like to act like idiots - who will seek to negate the strike by doing mass-postings. Does the stats take into account #s of posts or # of journals posting in a 24-hour period?


Count me in unibear March 19 2008, 16:55:32 UTC
I do not agree with livejournals new tactics either. I am not sure a one day strike will make any difference but I'm willing to try.


ebonypearl March 19 2008, 23:37:02 UTC
I have been uncomfortable with LJ since they started using Beacon without giving us a way to opt out of it, started allowing flagging of accounts (which is why everything I now post is behind a cut tag), arbitrarily deleted a lot of accounts without warning or valid reason, stopped allowing paid users to create newsfeeds of non-lj blogs (at least, I can no longer do so, I keep getting a message saying I do not have the authorization to do this - and that was the one and only reason I became a paid user), blocked search terms without any rhyme or reason, and refuse to notify us in advance of changes they will be making that affects our blogs and posting abilities.

I'm not concerned about the lack of a basic account, although Anton is terribly wrong when he says LJ is the last blogging platform to allow free basic blogs.

I'm not participating in the boycott because it is only one day. A week boycott, or a month boycott, and I'd be much more serious about considering it.


thirishar March 20 2008, 01:26:32 UTC
I seriously don't think this is going to do any good.

But I am seriously considering getting a myspace/paganspace, then some time in the near future pissing off and hopefully taking my flist with me.


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