Yesterday, very enthusiastically, my children counted down the minutes (nay, the seconds!) to Earth Hour. When the timer on Dragonboy's DS went off, they dashed about the house and flicked every lightswitch into the OFF position. There would be no Adult Resistance or Reluctance in participating in this event. They peeped outside at the other
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Comments 4
I had fun with Earth Hour too, I crocheted to the light of our emergency lantern! It was a good test of its battery power of the CF lamp, and after an hour or so I started to get cranky with the pattern I was reading, not so much the lighting! I wonder if there was any noticeable impact? Google did a great job of getting the word out, and a friend who was away from home all day needed to use his computer during the hour, and Google was a little cranky, having black text on the black background (as opposed to the white text on the black background they had for the day), and suggesting you take a break form your computer for an hour when you were searching!
That's awesome that your kids were so into it! I remember when they used to say it was my generation that was going to make a difference, and now I look around and see a lot of self-absorbed young rat racers.... (sorry, I'm bitter about this.)
I want to find one of those flashlights! (And I'm sure hubby won't mind!)
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