[03-20-2007]MUCC at Tavastia

Mar 22, 2007 02:40

*jittery* Oh, just recalling the MUCC gig makes my heart swell with love and utter bliss! *curls up*

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mucc, jrock, real life rocks my socks

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Comments 15

elindar March 22 2007, 08:15:00 UTC
Aw, that report was so wonderful. Though I don't listen to MUCC, it made a little bit envious or something. x3 I just can't wait for Ayabie~ That is going to be my first jrock gig, so I'm damn excited! 8D

I'm going to Ayabie alone, since I don't have any IRL friend who listens jrock. But when I read your story, it seems you had fun in spite of you were alone. That's nice to hear. I'm gonna have fun, too. ^^

You know, I was wondering the same thing. About that True love. I think Ruki and Kai's version was awesome. :'D


elffingqueen March 22 2007, 21:40:07 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it^^ I wrote it mainly because I needed to process and handle the millions of things which were buzzing in my head before exploding~ *purring* Yey for first jrock gigs! ^__^

I went so nuts when I head the guys were coming to Finland that I never stopped to really think the thing through -I just purchased tickets as soon as it was possible, and then I realized, 'Fuck, all my jrockster friends are.. from LJ-.-;' It was kinda sad *lol* I'm not the bravest person in the world, so that was definitely a very strenghtening experience, and I'm so proud I did it\o/

If the Ayabie gig is at least half as good as the MUCC one, you will rock your own socks off! I can't make it there, so I'll stay and wait your report^__-

*runs off to search for True Love*

If I find the original version, I'll upload it for my flist~<3


les_cuki March 22 2007, 09:48:41 UTC
Yay! Lucky star earrings! ☆ ^_^ ☆

If I were 12, I think MUCC would have scared the crap out of me too! XDD

I loved reading your report! Aaaahh it makes me want to experience something like that too.♥ I really hope I can go to Japan in September (or November, depending on how much I save up) to catch Gazette or Plastic Tree. I should remember to wear comfortable shoes, lol! I don't think I'll make an effort to cosplay anything though, so I'll be fine with comfortable sneakers and jeans. XD

Aww I'm glad you had a great time! :DDD ♥


elffingqueen March 22 2007, 21:46:34 UTC
YES, comfortable shoes are a must! xD I was a little stoopid and chose a pair I used for its looks.. *sighs and counts the blisters once again*

uhhhghh, to see Gazette in Japan.. that'd really be the most amazing thing in the world! Shibuya AX or JUNK Box or.. wow. There're too many gorgeus and legendary clubs there!^^ Hopefully everything turns out fine and you'll find yourself rocking with the goofy Gazemen (and hopefully you'll get some fanservice^__-)


kasumi24 March 23 2007, 10:29:38 UTC
Aww, aloitettuani en pystynyt lopettamaan lukemista hetkeksikään, niin mahtavasti kuvailit päivääsi :> Itte en pystyisi tuohon, miun kärsivällisyys ei kertakaikkiaan riitä siihen että kuvailisin tunnelmia jne jälkikäteen. Hmm-mm, oli varmasti hieno keikka <3 Jos olisin tuntenut bändiä tai sen tuotantoa yhtään enempää, olisin ollut mukana. Mutta ei kun ei. Sääli. Toiset vaan osaavat tehdä keikoista mahtavia :>


elffingqueen March 28 2007, 00:02:22 UTC
Hee, kiitos^^ Lähinnä tuo oli semmoista höyrynpurkua, olin niin hypenä että olisin pian räjähtänyt onnesta~<3
Oliko se Frendeissä kun ihmiset jaettiin Tekijöihin ja Katselijoihin, ja minähän olen täysin jälkimmäistä -vetäydyin sivummalle imemään yksityiskohtia *lol* Ja kun vielä olin yksin, oli mainiosti aikaa rekisteröidä kaikkea sitä häslinkiä ympärillä.

Ooh, uppaan sinulle joitain herkullisimpia MUCC-namistuksia vielä tällä viikolla, tätä bändiä on mahdotonta olla rakastamatta :D (Tulisivat kuulemma kesällä Provinssiin.. vitsit, kun festarit on niin kalliita *sobs*)


sillynlame March 25 2007, 03:39:49 UTC
Ihana raportti. <3 Itekin jotain raapustelin, mutta tuntu että suurin osa päivän tapahtumista hävis muistista heti kun istui kotojunaan. Samaa bändiä pitäis käydä kattomassa aina vähintään kaks kertaa, toisella kerralla pystyis keskittymään ja rekisteröimään asioita jo vähän paremmin kun ei tarvii olla tillin tallin ensihuumassa. XP
Ja rohkee muuten olet, meikäläinenkin kammoaa yksin hillumista. >_< Joskus täytyy kyllä varmaan kokeilla, jos siitä jotain oppisi.. XP

Ainiin ja tässäpä muuten tuo hakemasi originaali biisi, hetken metsästeltyäni sen bongasin. ^_^
Fujii Fumiya - TRUE LOVE


sillynlame March 25 2007, 17:12:44 UTC
BTW I love your English. And I don't know why I commented in Finnish... XD Oh well.


elffingqueen March 28 2007, 00:08:29 UTC
Kiitoskiitos~<3 Tuo oli lähinnä tuommoinen random terapiaburst, koska olin revetä onnesta pieneksi kappaleiksi.. aivan jumalaista menoa^__^

Ja commaa kummalla haluat ;) Yleensä kirjoittelen englanniksi, tykkään kielen kauniista adjektiiveista (*nerd*), mutta joskus laiskottaa ja heittäydyn patrioottiseksi ja väkerrän pari riviä suomea~

Hyää, olisit nähnyt miun ilmeeni, kun ihan MUCC-humalassa varasin lipun itselleni ja tulostin laskun.. ja sitten tajusin, että ei perkele, ostin tosiaan yhden lipun ja ketään en saa mukaani O.o Teki mieli kömpiä tietsikkapöydän alle ja silputa kuitti, mutta guhh, pakotin itseni kuitenkin maksamaan sen. (Onneksi! *happy dorky dance*)

JA KIITOS! *hali* Löysin itsekin yhden version (Ayumi-duetto), mutta tämä on ehdottomasti parempi :D elindar on kappaleen perässä myös, sopiiko, että kauniisti credittaan ja jaan linkin? ^^


sillynlame March 28 2007, 20:42:02 UTC
Äh, melkein unohdin tän. Tottahan toki saa jaeskella, kun itekin joltain random henkilöltä sen biisin pöllin. ^_~

Ja pakko vielä sanoa kun kuikuilin noita allaolevia kommentteja, että tosiaan, Tatsu <333.... lavaesiintyminen ja yleensäkin liikkuminen, ja se ääni, ja ne lasitkin.. eh juu nyt loppu. XD


lapsusxlinguae March 25 2007, 05:12:38 UTC
you're sooooooooo luckyyyyyyyyyyyy *___* wow it sounds like it was an amazing time.
I love reading live reports like these because it makes it easier to almost imagine what it was like, so that I can almost kinda (not really) see it in my head. and I always feel warm and happy afterward because it just sounds so fun.

12 year olds? at a MUCC concert?! O.O I think if I was 12, seeing any concert would scare me, but maybe I was just sheltered and shy...

I just love how you described the final encore. awwww~ [goes all squishy]

but seriously. I must go to see at least one jrock live in my life because reading stuff like this just makes me ache with wanting.
you recall it all amazingly well, all those details; it seems like it would be a very hard thing to remember. I don't think I could ^^


elffingqueen March 28 2007, 00:18:50 UTC
*hugs* Let's hope some hawt jrockers make their way to your coast too, so you can enjoy all that freaky love yourself~<3 But, I'm glad I was able to offer even a some sort of replacement by writing this.. this thinggy x)

The report was such a great piece of therapy for me^__^ I was literally exploding with love and I had to let it out before turning into itty-bitty pieces of squishy fangirl~ awwwww, now I so need to get my hands on some of their live dvds!!

In some book (or a movie.. or was it Friends?) people were divided into Watchers and Doers, and I definitely represent the first type! ^^; I take a few steps back and keep my eyes open, letting others to create the situations to remember *lol* Especially, since I was alone, observing&absorbing the surroundings was so effortless. Oh, fuck it, I'm teh nerd ^_~


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