Nov 23, 2011 19:02
Edited Entry (10:40 pm): I thought that this meme looked familiar, so I did a little digging, and I found out that my cousin apparently found this meme on a page belonging to a friend of mine (Firthgal), copying and pasting it, deleting all of the already-written answers. As such, all credit goes to Ms. Firth (I was wondering what the paranthesed and now-since-deleted "Michael Scott" was doing there. It can be seen on Nathalia's comment). :D
1. Describe the children of #3 and #7? Are they good parents?
2. Describe #5 and #1's first kiss. (If they have already kissed in canon {Jeff/Annie, Jeff/Britta, Troy/Britta, Abed/Annie, Shirley/Chang}, then skip this one)
3. How does #2 react to learning that #6 is pregnant with #9's baby?
4. How does #8 convince #7 to go with him/her on a date?
5. Where would #9 and #6 go for their honeymoon? How is #4 going to sabotage their honeymoon?
6. #6 is in love with #1. #3 confesses his/her love to #6. Whom would #6 pick? Does #8 think s/he made the right choice?
7. #5 and #2 must pretend to be a married couple. Why?
8. #1 is moving in with #9. What do they fight about the most?
9. How will #4 prove his/her love to #1?
10. #7 and #4. Love at first sight?
11. What would #2 give #9 for Valentine's Day?
12. Under what circumstances could #3 and #5 have a happy end?
13. What would #8 like to change about #2? Does number #2 approve?
14. #2 and #7 are together. Who is more protective of the other?
15. Who is the first to say "I love you", #1 or #9?
16. Describe #6 and #4's perfect romantic outing.
17. Who suffers from pre-wedding jitters, #3 or #8? How does bridesmaid/best man #6 soothe them?
18. #4 is a secret admirer of #3. What presents will they make the wo/man of their dreams?
19. Describe a double-date between #6/#2 and #1/#5.
20. If #2 was in danger, would #3 go to their rescue?