(no subject)

Jan 04, 2009 21:10

okay so as i mentioned in my last post, i'm doing that 101 goals in 1001 days thing, and i finished my list! :D

1) start AND finish a scarf
2) learn how to crochet
3) sew a quilt
4) knit an afghan

reading and writing and movies and etc
5) write a short story
6) write five short stories (0/5)
7) finish at least one NaNoWriMo
8) finish all three NaNoWriMos (0/3)
9) read all 24 books currently on my list of books I want to read (0/24)
10) read all seven Harry Potter books in order (0/7)
11) read 150 new books (0/150)
12) watch 50 new movies (1/50)
13) watch 10 movies in a theatre (1/10)
14) watch all seven Harry Potter movies in order (0/7)
15) watch all seasons of Heroes (1/3)

culinary pursuits
16) pack a lunch at least once a week when school’s in session (0/52)
17) bake 15 loaves of bread (0/15)
18) cook a meal from scratch at least once a month (0/33)
19) make a homemade pizza
20) try Indian food at least once
21) learn to make salt potatoes
22) learn to make lo mein
23) eat at least one fruit per day for a month (1/31)
24) drink 60 ounces of water a day for a month (0/31)
25) take calcium every day for a month (0/31)
26) find a beer I actually like
27) start my own garden

taking care of myself
28) exercise at least twice a week for 30 minutes for a month (0/8)
29) go to bed no later than midnight if I have class the next day
30) go to bed no later than two am if I don’t have class the next day
31) stop pulling all nighters!
32) brush my teeth and use mouthwash twice a day
33) trim my toenails biweekly (0/72)
34) get an eye exam
35) get glasses with the right prescription

changing my appearance
36) don’t let my roots show!
37) get my nose pierced
38) get my ears pierced
39) stretch my ears to a 0
40) get a tattoo
41) get my surgery done
42) lose 10 pounds (0/10)
43) lose 20 pounds (0/20)
44) lose 30 pounds (0/30)
45) buy a little black dress
46) buy a well-fitting suit
47) wear a bikini in public

48) get and keep a job
49) start a budget
50) keep said budget
51) have three months of living expenses saved up (0/3)
52) have six months of living expenses saved up (0/6)
53) pay off my credit card, and then don’t use it ($0/$632)
54) pay off my library fine
55) move out
56) save up for my surgery ($0/$600)

educational pursuits
57) take a public speaking class
58) get an A in a public speaking class
59) get at least Bs in all my classes from now on (2/??)
60) get my GPA to a 3.5 and keep it there (or above!)
61) start papers the day they’re assigned, not the day they’re due
62) take Spansh 201
63) take Spanish 202
64) finish my associates degree
65) get into SUNY Brockport
66) start my bachelors degree
67) take French 101
68) take German 101

69) join the school newspaper
70) be involved in every school play at GCC from now on (0/4)
71) join Brockport’s newspaper
72) be involved in every play at Brockport when I’m there (0/4)

73) clean my room and keep it clean for three months (0/3)
74) properly organize all my books
75) donate books I no longer want
76) get a bookcase that isn’t bending in the middle
77) organize my clothes
78) donate old clothes to VOA
79) find a better way to organize my shoes
80) devise a system to organize school supplies (paper, index cards, etc)
81) do something with the empty vodka bottles in my room
82) clean my car out every two months

social pursuits
83) have a costume party
84) have a zombie party
85) bring my camera to parties and actually take pictures
86) keep in contact with friends from high school
87) go to Applebee’s with Mallory once a month (0/33)
88) hang out with Hillary at least once a month (0/33)
89) hang out with Jessica at least once a month (0/33)
90) have a board game night at least once every two months (0/16)

computer related things
91) write in my Livejournal at least once a week (1/143)
92) run disc clean up once a month (0/33)
93) defrag my hard drive once a month (0/33)

94) donate blood every two months (0/16)
95) take a tennis class or two
96) stop being so snarky
97) register as an organ donor
98) explore five abandoned buildings (0/5)
99) explore the old high school
100) dress up as a zombie at least once, but not on Halloween
101) do things I wouldn’t normally do

101 in 1001, i make good choices

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