
Dec 08, 2010 21:41

Subject: Benedict Cumberbatch
Artist: elethoniel
Media: Various graphite pencils. All purpose artists paper.
Notes: So, I'm posting this because I cannot figure out why it doesn't look like him. He has all the distinguishable features, yet there's something definitely off about this image, so I was hoping you guys could help! :D

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benedict cumberbatch, help, art

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Comments 13

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elethoniel December 9 2010, 20:16:13 UTC
Thank you! Aye, I think that seems to be the consensus; the nose is too long, now it's been mentioned I can see that it is. Thank ye so much! :D


karadin December 8 2010, 23:11:30 UTC
Right now his head is too small, the face is almost half the size of the entire head. I think it is the nose being a little bit long.

A great help when you are sketching is to make your ref photo the same size as your drawing, and flip the drawing horizontally to check for errors, if you don't scan into photoshop, the old fashioned way is to look at your work in a mirror.


elethoniel December 9 2010, 20:34:12 UTC
Ah! I thought the head was too small, so it's great having that confirmed. Ya, you're totally right, the nose is too long, I kept looking it at it thinking the whole face was too long, but I think the nose is just throwing it off.

Ooh! Great idea about looking at the work in a mirror, I'm definitely going to try that out, thank you! :D


punzerel December 8 2010, 23:38:25 UTC
Whoa. I didn't know this guy was sexy. But you drew him super sexy. (The nose, and the look in the eyes plus the lips!)


punzerel December 8 2010, 23:39:46 UTC
(I just googled him because of what the other 2 people said, and ya, it does look like his nose is not this long. But that's too bad bc the nose totally gives his face character and appeal..)


elethoniel December 9 2010, 20:37:17 UTC
Lol cheers, Punz! And Pfft, he's always hot and sexy... I may be bias in that opinion though, heh.

Ayye, methinks it is his nose that's the problem, alas. Anything else I could try and fix, but since the whole face is focused around the nose it makes it so very difficult. Ah well, will just have to start again haha.

Thanks Punzie!


roseyprosey December 9 2010, 03:13:36 UTC
Alright, if I could draw like this, I wouldn't complain. XP You are way too talented.

Honestly, his nose looks about right to me (maybe just a smidgen too long, but not much). I think what you're talking about is in the eyes. The upper lid should show just a touch more, and the bottom lid should be a little more darkened.

But that's just my opinion, and I'm totally a noob at art, so don't take it too seriously. XD


elethoniel December 9 2010, 20:42:26 UTC
LOL! Aww, well thank you very much!

Yeah! Honestly, I hadn't noticed the length of his nose until people started saying, lol. I thought it was in the eyes too! So thank you, that's really helpful :D :D

And psh! No one's an art noob, you can see it just as well as I, so your opinion is just as important as the next persons! :D

(Also, awesome icon, lol)


punkinelf December 9 2010, 09:17:17 UTC
Oh! Those lips!!! Thank you for this. You are marvelous! *wanders off, dazed by those lips*


elethoniel December 9 2010, 20:43:25 UTC
Oh, his lips are incredible ♥ Thank you so much :D :D


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