Frequently Asked Questions

Mar 05, 2020 20:33

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I take one of your icons?
Yes! Of course! That's what they are there for! :D Please make sure to credit elethonicons if you do though.

Can I edit your icons?
In short, no. I make icons the way I like them and I would like it if no one changed or edited them.

Can you make me a specific icon?
Not right now. This is, of course, subject to change when my workload is lighter.

What is hotlinking and why shouldn't I do it?
Taken from At Lab:

Bandwidth theft or "hotlinking" is direct linking to a website's files (images, video, etc.). An example would be using an
tag to display a JPEG image you found on someone else's web page so it will appear on your own site, journal, weblog, forum posting, etc. Bandwidth refers to the amount of data transferred from a website to a user's computer. When you view a webpage, you are using that site's data transfer to display the files. Since web hosts charge based on the amount of data transferred, bandwidth is an issue. If a site is over it's monthly bandwidth, it's billed for the extra data or taken offline. A simple analogy for bandwidth theft: Imagine a random stranger plugging into your electrical outlets, using your electricity without your consent, and you paying for it.

The much shorter version of this is: Just don't do it.

Why should I credit you?
Because if people see an icon of yours that they like then they can easily find their way to my icon journal for themselves (saves you having to tell people, right?).

How do I credit you?
For online journals/blogs (such as Live Journal and Greatest Journal):

For forums/message boards/chatrooms etc:
Credit is not neccessary, only because there is no where easily accessible for you to credit. However, if you can find somewhere and want to, feel free :)

How do you make your icons/graphics?
I use Photoshop 7 and as of yet have not done any tutorials. Most of the techniques I use can be found dotted around icon_tutorial

Can I affiliate with you?
If you have a graphics/icon journal/community then Sure! Just reply to this post and I'll add you :D


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