Kittens again

Oct 22, 2016 23:40

So today, the kittens were sleeping in their box, so I took the chance for a comparison photo.

So, on the first day

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Comments 3

swordznsorcery October 22 2016, 23:40:46 UTC
It's good to see them doing so well.


elenopa October 24 2016, 23:09:00 UTC
They have taken over the house. Mother can't knit when they are awake because they chase the wool.

Ben keeps making the most awful smelly winds though.


swordznsorcery October 25 2016, 07:30:21 UTC
Ouch. I believe that's quite common though. All youngsters (mammals anyway) need to give their gut bacteria a chance to establish itself before things work entirely properly. Poor you! If it does get very bad, I guess you could try changing food brands, but I'm sure it will sort itself out soon.


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