Yay! Back with fic!
Title: Something New Everyday
Word Count: 164
Summary: Tony Stark walks into Doc Cottle's infirmary;
crossovers100 fic.
“…the hell?” Cottle managed to get out when he saw Tony Stark.
Not that the man’s presence in Galactica’s infirmary was unexpected - Cottle had been informed two days prior that Stark was coming as part of the passenger schedule. Some bright spark had decided to take advantage of civilian presence on Galactica there for the hot showers and get the physicals out the way at the same time.
No, what had Cottle doing a double take, then reaching straight for his cigarettes, was the part when he went to listen to Stark’s heart and the man replied with some cock and bull story about an accident. Cottle left him to Nurse Ishay and moved onto the next patient, but then Stark refused to let any of the medical staff near him. Cottle had to threaten to bring in the MPs standing outside the door before Stark acquiesced, pulled the curtains, and undid the top few buttons of his shirt.
“Frak.” Cottle said, lighting up.