Title: Hunting Frenzy Author: Elena Fandom: Star Wars EU - X-wing Summary: Invisec, a Jedi, and the first invasion of Coruscant. Author's Note: Written almost immediately after seeing this trailer.
Title: Lost People Author: Elena Fandom: Star Wars EU - KotOR Summary: After ten years, two wars, and far too many atrocities to count, Bao-Dur and Atton are finally having the drink. Sequel to " The Fragile Male Ego". Original post here.
Title: Born on Sabbath Author: Elena Fandom: Star Wars EU - LotF Summary: Doing the right thing is not an option. It's a responsibility. Originally posted here.
Title: Signs of Love Author: Elena Fandom: Star Wars EU - LotF Summary: These are all things a good daughter will do for her mother. Original post here.
Title: God Complex Author: Elena Fandom: Star Wars/Serial Experiments: Lain Summary: The son of one god meets the daughter of another. Original post here.
Title: Pragmatism Author: Elena Fandom: Star Wars EU - KotOR Summary: How Bastila Shan grew up, got a life, got hip, and got laid. Take it as it is, folks. Originally posted here.