FIC: Five First Kisses Frannie Never Had

Jun 21, 2007 17:52

Title: Five First Kisses Frannie Never Had
Author: Tara Keezer
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Frannie/Multiple
Notes: Yes, this was inspired by the “Five Things” meme that I love so very much. And yes, I fail at self-discipline, but in my defense, I started this a couple of weeks ago and really wanted to finish it. Five drabbles at 100 words a piece.

1. Harding

No one was less surprised when Frannie graduated the academy with top honors. Welsh had worked with her long enough to know that what Frannie wanted, Frannie got. Eventually.

What he couldn’t figure out, though, was how he ended up on Frannie’s I-want list. Christ. He was old enough to be her father, which was as good a reason as any for him to back away from her and avoid those lips. Soft, warm, mobile lips that fit perfectly with his own.

Welsh groaned and gave up. What Frannie wanted, Frannie got; for now, he’d be grateful she wanted him.

2. Meg

Meg Thatcher doesn’t understand Miss Vecchio at all, and it has nothing to do with the fact that she mangles the English language on a regular basis. Rather, it’s that Miss Vecchio lacks a fundamental understanding of social cues.

If she had that essential empathy, Miss Vecchio wouldn’t have dragged Thatcher into a supply closet at the precinct, and she most assuredly would not have pressed her against the door, whispering, “God. What is it about that uniform?”

That’s the only reason Thatcher has for Miss Vecchio kissing her. She has no reason at all for kissing Miss Vecchio back.

3. Benton

There was something about the way the afternoon light framed Francesca, something about the way she looked at him without expectation that called to him. For the first time, Fraser truly saw her and didn’t see something to fear. Instead, he saw a lovely woman with a good heart.

Unexpectedly moved by this new depth of emotion, he reached out to her, drew her into his arms. In answer to her confusion, he said, “It’s all right, Francesca.”

He bent his head, and she tilted her face up. Their kiss was tentative and hopeful, and it was, indeed, all right.

4. Stella

As far as Stella Kowalski is concerned, Frannie is persona non grata; she has been ever since the wedding reception. Ray knows this, so why he invited Frannie to visit them in Florida, Stella will never know.

On the other hand, Stella will also never know why it is that whenever Frannie looks at her in a certain way, she can’t seem to catch her breath. The last time she felt like this, she was fourteen, and Ray - her first Ray - was about to steal a kiss.

Stella blinks. “Oh.”

Frannie captures her lips, and Stella’s life gets more complicated.

5. Ray

This is so, so wrong on too many levels to count, but Ray can’t catch his breath long enough to stop and think and maybe get his dick to stand down a little so he can back up and get away, but Frannie - god, Frannie! - is there and soft and warm and god, she wants him to touch her everywhere, and he does, knowing it’s wrong, knowing he’ll get his ass kicked six ways to Sunday, but please god, let that happen after, not before, because if it happens after, it will all be worth it, so very worth it.

het fic, due south, slash

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