FIC: Patient, 1/1, PG

Jan 06, 2007 11:08

Title: Patient
Author: Tara Keezer
Rating: PG
Fandoms: due South/Battlestar Galactica crossover
Notes: See? The wait wasn’t too bad, right? 100 words. Also, I need more BSG icons. [makes note to self to get busy on that, right after everything else is done]


Patient: Unnamed male

Age: 40 - 45 years

Appearance: Dark hair, blue eyes, fair skin

History: Patient was found alone aboard a Cylon base ship. Physical examination showed numerous scars, the most notable on his back. Radiologic examination revealed a bullet lodged proximal to the spine, and surgical intervention was deemed necessary. As the patient was catatonic, Admiral Adama consented to the procedure.

Current Findings: Patient is recovering well from the flu, though there is evidence of damage to his lungs. Although he hasn’t spoken, patient is far more responsive than when first brought aboard.

Treatment: Psychiatric consultation ordered.

that bsg thing

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