stamped as mountain, jungle, garden // celtic zodiac theme

Apr 01, 2011 17:03

Name: Penka

Previously stamped as:Mountain (regular) and Jungle and Garden (after re-stamp); Earthquake (Natural disaster); Sea (Mirror theme); Lilac (Flower theme); Dog (animal theme); Lapis Lazuli (Gemstone theme); Taranis (Gods/Goddesses of the Elements); Puget Sound (Natural Wonder); Indigo, Sapphire (Color theme); Waves (Underwater theme); Capricorn (Western Zodiac theme); Delphinus (The Dolphin)and after re-stamped Orion (The Hunter) (Constellation theme);Gas Giant (Solar System Theme); Elm Tree (Tree Theme); North America, Asia (Continents Theme); Partially Cloudy (Weather Forcast theme); Stratocumulus (Cloud theme); Sea (Water Bodies Theme); Peninsula (Landforms Theme); Iron (Periodic Table of Elements); Neptune and after re-stamp Earth (Planet theme); Centaur and after re-stamp Dragon(Mythological creatures theme); Trust (Emotions Theme)

Five unstamped applications you have voted on:

What are some of your positive character traits?:Strong-minded, stubborn, trustworthy, honest, independent, determined, loyal, protective, diplomatic, open minded, social, prudent

What are some of your negative character traits?:Stubborn, mistrustful (I just can't trust people easily till I know them), cruel (when someone really provokes me)

What element do you relate to the most?: earth and fire and may be some wind

What would be your role in a party or social setting?: Depends- If I'm a householder I'll try everyone be ok and walking and asking people. If I'm not and if I see someone that I know- we'll chat or crossing among people to find someone that I know. Something like this.

Idealism or realism?: realism with idealism

What is your ideal career choice?: I don't think about that... May be the one which make you to go to work with desire.

Are you more scientifically or artistically gifted?: I don't know. I have common knowledge for science, which you can use in your daily things. If singing in a choir and playing dances can be added to artistically gifts then I'm more artistically orientated.

In what academic subjects do/did you succeed in?: geography, history, industrial design,philosophy

Check what words/ideas attract you:

[/] Spirituality
[/] Solitude
[X] Challenges
[X] Taking charge (when needed)
[X] Strength of will
[ /] True love
[X] Peace
[X] Nature
[/] Changes

This or that:

Dominant or submissive:Depends of situations, I can be both when needed.
Emotional or detached: I try to be more detached, but i have moments when I act emotional
Cautious or reckless: cautios but I have recless moments
Introverted or extroverted:Depends of situations, people... But I'm still more extroverted
Patient or impatient: I can be both when needed- just depends of situations again
Compassionate or just: just, but I have compassionate moments
Unpredictable or predictable: more unpredictable

theme - celtic zodiac - oak

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