Five unstamped applications you have voted on:
1. Name: Alecia
Previously stamped as:
-regular: air/lake
-natural disaster: drought
-solar system: asteroid
-flower: heather
-rock/gemstone: amethyst/moonstone
-animals: fish
-planets: juptier
-goddess: frigg
-natural wonders: solar eclipse
-color: sapphire
-underwater: jellyfish
-zodiac: libra
-constellation: caelum
-tree: cypress
-mirror: lake
-weather forecast: partially cloudy
Location: Texas!
Positive Traits: smart, funny, helpful, friendly, determined, loyal, witty, listener, observant, sweet, perfectionist
Negative Traits: sarcastic, occasionally bitchy, stubborn, perfectionist, easily bored, worrisome, easily distracted, indecisive, bossy
Pictures (URLs or thumbnails): Nature
When is your favorite time of day?: night!
Choose one season:
[x] Autumn
[ ] Winter
[ ] Spring
[ ] Summer
Choose two words that appeal to you most:
[ ] Chaos
[ ] Individual
[x] Optimism
[x] Rain
[ ] Brightness
[ ] Stability
What is your preferred environment and climate?: I like a nice fall day without humidity! Or anything without humidity really XD
How do you act in a confrontation or in an intense situation?: I either try to hide myself or do something so I won't be notice or I get angry and get involved
Do you adapt well to change, or are your resistant?: Change in my life I think I adapt fairly well to. Climate change I've very resistant and get sick, all the time.
What do you want most from life?: to learn, to be happy, good times
How would your friends describe you?: Smart and a dork.