Of Nature

May 27, 2007 20:55

Name: Toni
Likes: books, manga, cartoons, fantasy, fairy tales, mythology, storms, sunset, swimming, walking in the woods
Dislikes: birds, math, racism, prejudice, religious zealots, meeting new people
Hopes, dreams, wishes for the future or present: Right now all I want from life is to get a job, get out of this house, and be on my own. I crave independence.
Hobbies: I love to read, fantasy more often than not, although the occasional historical fiction works its way in there. I also used to write a lot, and it is still something I enjoy doing - when I can break free of my writer's block.
Some of your better qualities/talents: loyal, imaginative, and honest, with myself if no one else
Some of your worse traits: impatient, selfish, shy
Something you admire/love/respect: the faith some people have in their religion
Something you detest greatly: being told what is best for me by people who have no idea who I really am
Five words to describe you: short, quiet, introverted, moody, restless
If you could have one "supernatural" power, what would it be?: the ability to communicate with animals
Where do you feel most at home?: in my room, or in the woods
Where did find this community?: I found a link while I was browsing a profile.
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