★[011]★ 4 t h | w a l l || (video/action)

May 17, 2010 16:17

[ Anise looks really excited for the new people and if you were wondering where she was again. She was all over the place as usual. She probably lost contact due to her busy past times. Anise waves into the screen happily with a big grin on her face. ]

There's so many people here, and there was a ton from Auldrant too! I don't know what's going on but it's a great break from all the gloominess~ Hi newcomers I'm Ionian Sergeant Anise Tatlin, Fon Master Guard at your Service!! Have a question I can answer it for you ♥! So don't be shy, Cute 'ol me will tell you all you need to know the best of my abilities~

Welcome to Elegy!

Colonel, Guy if you're around too, we should explore the carnival!

Iceland we're going on all the rides no questions asked!

[ Eventually she cuts the feed after a sweet wave. ]

[tales of the abyss] anise tatlin, //4th wall

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