In which our intrepid hero finds himself...

Jun 19, 2010 01:14

Characters: Leroy Jethro Gibbs lrjthrgibbs and OPEN!
Location: Deck Five
Date: His first day on the Elegante
Rating: PG-13, since Jethro has a potty mouth
Warnings: Cursing...and that's it the most peculiar and unexpected situation. )

gibbs, marco, zeke, open

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Comments 43

thenotmagician June 19 2010, 05:30:56 UTC
And down the hallway limps a dorky man with the weirdest snake tattoo you ever did see. He's whistling a tune, or attempting to whistle anyways, and pauses when he sees Gibbs, takes a doubletake, and then stops. Zeke doesn't recognize this person, so that means it's time for an introduction!

"Oi, y'seem kinda lost over there."


lrjthrgibbs June 19 2010, 05:39:39 UTC
He jumped and turned, glaring at the unfamiliar man, staring at the tattoo. The ink made him think of Abby, and he hoped that Ducky would at least stop her from getting something so ridiculous on her face. The spiderweb on her neck was enough. "You're damn right I'm lost." He slammed a hand against the wall in frustration and took a deep breath. Anger wasn't helping the throbbing in his head. "I woke up and I don't know where the hell I am!"


thenotmagician June 19 2010, 05:45:46 UTC
Zeke pauses. He really hopes this guy doesn't turn out to be another Erol. One is enough, along with all the other quieter, possible psychopaths on this boat.

"You're on a cruise ship called the M.S. Elegante. You were brought here by Captain Redd, who's apparently fuckin' crazy, and we're going to a place called the Golden Shore. Dunno what or where it is, but it's taken nearly two years to get there, so I dunno."


lrjthrgibbs June 19 2010, 05:53:53 UTC
He sighed in relief. So this wasn't a trap set up by Paloma to mess with his mind. "So I'm stuck here?" Now he was starting to feel a wave of panic hit him. He wasn't there to protect his team. If they died while he was stuck here, he would never forgive himself. "There's no way I can go back?"


ntjstapwn June 19 2010, 05:51:54 UTC
Marco had been on his way to the buffet, but got off the elevator on the wrong deck. Not that he didn't notice right away, but he figured maybe a walk would help wake him up a bit.
Or, well, help him wake up enough to deal with the hang over enough to not hit the wrong buttons on the lift.

He paused when he spotted Gibbs, raising an eyebrow at the lockbox. "It was Redd who brought you here, not Paloma."


lrjthrgibbs June 19 2010, 05:56:41 UTC
He turned at the voice and glared. "Who is Redd?" Did this man have any connection to her? "Does he have any connections to the Reynosa cartel, or did she pay him to drag my ass to the middle of nowhere?" He sincerely hoped that wasn't the case. He hoped that there was a way to get home, even if he had to be airlifted on the next helo.


ntjstapwn June 19 2010, 06:01:18 UTC
Marco grunted a bit and rubbed his head. "Calm down. I'm a prisoner here like you.

"Redd's the captain of this ship, though its doubtful you'll ever get to talk to him. I doubt he has any connection to the cartel, but its hard to tell. And, no, she has nothing to do with this."


lrjthrgibbs June 19 2010, 06:07:50 UTC
He frowned, trying to think of how he could have gotten here in the first place. "So you're stuck here too? Last thing I remember, I had half a fifth of Makers Mark and passed out." He wouldn't divulge why he had drank so much. It wasn't this stranger's business. And damn it, he still didn't feel safe here.


leastof2weevils June 19 2010, 06:20:16 UTC
Jack, a new arrival himself, was wandering down the hall, messing with his new communicator and swearing softly under his breath. This device was strange, to say the least, and he still hadn't completely gotten the hang of it.

The man grumbled and finally looked up from it. Maybe giving it a rest for now would do him some good.

He spotted Gibbs as soon as his eyes were off the comm. Another person: he looked normal enough, right?

"Sir! Hello?" he called, more than a question than a greeting.


lrjthrgibbs June 20 2010, 05:05:13 UTC
Gibbs turned when he heard the voice and stared at the man in odd attire. It was an old fashioned naval outfit, something re remembered from high school history and the Naval History Museum. He had taken Kelly, long ago, when she was curious about what the Marines were. His suit pocket felt oddly heavy, and he pulled out something. It looked like a cell phone, like the kind of phone McGee had, but not quite. "Yeah?"


leastof2weevils June 20 2010, 05:16:45 UTC
"Have you any idea where the captain of this ship is?" he asked, stuffing the comm in a pocket. "I'd like to speak to him."

He clenched a fist. "I would like to go home."


lrjthrgibbs June 20 2010, 05:23:36 UTC
"You and me both," he grumbled. "I just got here. I don't know who the captain of this ship is." All he knew was that he would also like to have a word or two with him as well. He felt like he could trust this man, even though he had met a long line of bastards and dirtbags while working for NCIS. "Jethro Gibbs, Naval Criminal Investigative Service."


have a cranky giant robot in case stuff is too normal for ya! :D fracturefall June 19 2010, 14:44:12 UTC
Barricade, just clomping around because he's having a bad day, nearly trips over the squishy. Stupid place to leave a squishy. Fraggin' firehazard.

Worse, the squishy seemed a bit...wobbly. And was just standing there. Awesome. Barricade flexed his talons.

"Hey, what?" he said, surly, "This your slaggin' hallway?"


Re: have a cranky giant robot in case stuff is too normal for ya! :D lrjthrgibbs June 20 2010, 05:20:56 UTC
Gibbs looked over at the...thing, eyes wide. "What the hell are you?" No more alcohol for him for a long time. "I don't even know where the fuck I am. It's not my hallway!" It was rare that he dropped the heavier swears, due to the fact that some cases had him working with kids.


Re: fracturefall June 20 2010, 05:29:09 UTC
"What the hell am I?" Barricade frowned. Yeah, it all looks mean. Whatever. "What do you think I am? The slaggin' welcoming committee? Housekeeping?"

Fraggin' squishy.

"I KNOW it's not your hallway. So what the slag you doin' standing there like a spore mold?" With a box. A box of intriguing things he seems protective of. In a bold maneuver of Poor Social Skills and Curiosity, he blurts, "What you got in that box, anyway, meatsack?"


lrjthrgibbs June 20 2010, 05:44:01 UTC
"Got nowhere else to go. I woke up here." He held the lockbox close. "Nothing you'd be interested in. Just paper." He didn't feel like he could trust this thing at all. "I just want to know where I am."


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