Karis downed the shot and caaaarefully put the shot glass down, shoving it into place. "And... and you can be... that giant worm pool thing," she muttered to it. She looked up, sensing eyes on her. She carefully, carefully swiveled on her barstool until she spotted Even.
Oh, hey. It's the guy. Who beat up Chase, at the place, with the thing. He buys drinks. He's pretty cool, unless he's threatening her for telling it how it is. Then he's sort of a dick.
"Hey... Hey, Even."
She gestured at him drunkenly, "C'mere. You gotta try this shit." She held out a battle of half-full vodka. There was an empty one on the bar next to her.
Karis blinked her glowing yellow eyes at him for a moment, then slowly turned her head to follow his gaze. Oh, yeah. That.
"Well, you see... this here is a scale model of my home, th' Undercity. Or at least it's supposed to be. I don't have enough shotglasses to finish the damn thing, which is a damn travesty."
To illustrate this point, he downs another shot and adds another glass to the city. It should be noted it's not very well built, considering her hand-eye coordination has been getting steadily worse.
Comments 4
(The comment has been removed)
Oh, hey. It's the guy. Who beat up Chase, at the place, with the thing. He buys drinks. He's pretty cool, unless he's threatening her for telling it how it is. Then he's sort of a dick.
"Hey... Hey, Even."
She gestured at him drunkenly, "C'mere. You gotta try this shit." She held out a battle of half-full vodka. There was an empty one on the bar next to her.
(The comment has been removed)
"Well, you see... this here is a scale model of my home, th' Undercity. Or at least it's supposed to be. I don't have enough shotglasses to finish the damn thing, which is a damn travesty."
To illustrate this point, he downs another shot and adds another glass to the city. It should be noted it's not very well built, considering her hand-eye coordination has been getting steadily worse.
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