
Jul 11, 2010 21:57

Characters: Toph (rocklikerunaway ) and Godric (powerofgod ) [Closed]
Location: Sergei's
Date: Present
Rating: G

It'd been way too long since she practised sand-bending )

godric, toph

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Comments 14

powerofgod July 11 2010, 22:21:04 UTC
Though he did not often venture from his room, Sergei's was one of the few places on board that he went with any regularity. One, after all, needed sustenance ( ... )


rocklikerunaway July 12 2010, 03:34:16 UTC
Toph flattened her palms and gritted her teeth, trying to maintain some kind of contact with the little dust ball she'd just created. Sand had always been difficult for her. She'd learned, but it had gotten harder to control since she'd been on the boat. Trying to keep focus on something fuzzy like that would probably tire her out fast. Already she could feel sweat forming on the back of her neck.

But if she couldn't form the sand into something more solid, something she could lash out with, then it would be no good as a weapon.

So she ground her teeth and tried to bring the sand back together again, even as it began slipping through her grip.

Someone coughed close by. Toph jumped. The sand dropped.

Toph pulled both arms in close to her chest and then struck out with her right. The stiff-fingered blow sent a wave of sand hissing toward the intruder before she'd even stopped to think about it.

Ah crud. She was going to get a warning again.


powerofgod July 12 2010, 07:19:42 UTC
The concept of danger registered and in that selfsame instant, Godric moved. He was slower again than he was used to - hunger would account for that, in a vampire - but he took no damage from the attack.

It was from nearly eight feet away from his previous position that he canted his head to one side and spoke.

"Not the worst greeting I've endured. Nor even the most hostile."

Though his voice carried much of its usual monotony, there was enough humour behind it to suggest he wasn't upset with her actions. In this place, there were very few people that struck a stranger on purpose, and as children went, she hardly looked the part of one bound for a life of delinquency.


rocklikerunaway July 12 2010, 16:13:22 UTC
Toph whipped her head round so fast that a spasm ran up the back of her neck. Rubbing at it, she scowled in the direction of the now-recognizable voice.

"Oh. It's you."

Well, at least it hadn't been Remy or Kate or any of the Kitchen Crew. Even if she'd missed them, they probably would have busted her for bending in the restaurant in the first place.

"How'd you get way over there?"

She sounds curious, if a little abrupt. He moved faster than Goten, faster than Aang. And she hadn't heard him. But it wasn't like she'd never met anyone light on their feet before.


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