Title: Betrayal
Fandom: Datenshi no Namida / Lucifer's Tears
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Marcel
Synopsis: Marcel's thoughts and actions just before he pulls the gun onto his teacher.
Disclaimer: The characters do not belong to me, I am merely borrowing them for the purpose of this fic.
A/N: Datenshi no Namida / Lucifer's Tears is an original musical for Takarazuka Kagekidan that was performed in 2006. My characterisations are based off of their characters and my only personal thoughts and feelings on them.
Marcel didn't know what to do. His whole world had just come plummeting down around him and he was left with no clue what to do. How could someone do that to another human being? Let alone a teacher do that to a student... it was beyond despicable. And for his teacher to do that to him... for Edmond de Rainier, his most trusted teacher to betray him like that... it just blew all his sense of right and wrong right out the window.
He hadn't meant to get noticed by Edmond's superiors, it just sort of happenned. He had been working on a piece of music and, since Edmond had said he would look over anything the young musician wrote, had gone to find his teacher. He had been in a meeting with various gentlemen, Jean-Paul Doret being one of them. They had been discussing a new show that they wanted Edmond to write the music for. Marcel hadn't been sure of all the details, but he had quickly gotten his teacher's attention when a break presented itself.
He had placed his sheet music onto the top of the piano, like instructed and was just about to leave when his arm twitched. That alone wasn't unusual, but suddenly feeling like he had been washed over with a darkness... that was what was strange. A sudden chill had passed through his body and he had jolted slightly. He even felt his eyes widen as it had happenned. And then the next thing he knew, he was sat at the piano playing a portion from his new composition.
As he had stopped he had felt eyes on the back of his head and heard the distinct sound of Jean-Paul Doret congratulating him on his unusual performance. Marcel had been embarrassed by all the sudden attention he had recieved and had quickly excused himself, wondering why he had done that the whole time. He still couldn't even work it out now.
What he did know was that he had impressed Jean-Paul and the others in that room by his performance. His teacher had been most proud of him and had even said he would show Marcel's finished work to Jean-Paul to see what he thought. Marcel was beyond ecstatic by this and had felt so blessed to have such an amazing and kind teacher. He had quickly done all he could to finish his pieces for them to be looked over, thanking Edmond everytime he handed him the sheet music.
At first Marcel had thought nothing of it when he hadn't recieved any word back about his compositions. He had just put it down to Jean-Paul being busy with the show he was choreographing. But then rumours had started to hit his ears about the music that Edmond was supposedly writing for the show. About how fantastic and brilliant it was. His teacher was very talented and it hadn't been fair on him to have been in a slump for so long. It seemed like he had finally broke it!
Only then the rumours turned sour, saying that Edmond had stolen the works from various people, from his students. Marcel hadn't wanted to believe it, but then the small twitch of guilt that would randomly appear in Edmond's eyes alerted him that something was wrong. So one lesson he had asked his teacher about his compositions and if Jean-Paul had looked over them yet. The answer had been no. He then went on to ask about the rumours which had made the older man still in his actions. The fire in his eyes then was enough to scare Marcel into leaving the room as quick as he could. He had never seen his teacher look like that before, in all the years he had known him.
It was well known that Marcel was his best student, and the relationship between them was one more of brothers than a student and teacher. They both wanted nothing more than the most success and happiness for the other. But Edmond had been changing, and Marcel couldn't stop the worry he was feeling about it. And after seeing that look in his eyes... he had avoided him then, taking to working on his music. However the rumours were still circulating...
It was starting to drive Marcel crazy. He had so many questions with no answers for any of them. It was keeping him awake at night and he could not focus on anything properly. So, knowing that a rehearsal was taking place, he went to the studio and pressed his ear to the door. What better way to check on what music was being used than to eavesdrop. Granted eavesdropping was not the most polite or mature thing to do but Marcel had reached the point where he just wanted, no, needed answers.
And what he heard made his heart plummet into the pits of his stomach. Those were the distinct notes of his most prized original composition... His teacher, the man he had respected most in the whole world, even more than his father, had stolen his work and was passing it off as his own. How could he do that? How could he steal work from another? That was breaking every unwritten law that all musicians stuck to.
Edmond had told his students time and time again to never forge work. To never take someone else's compositions and pass them off as their own. That defeated the whole point and honor of a musician. And here he was doing exactly that to Marcel. It made him feel sick.
What had happenned to that honorable teacher that all his students had loved and respected? What had happenned to that man who had wanted nothing but the best for his students? What had happenned to the teacher and friend who had not only helped them with their lessons but their own personal problems too? It seemed that Edmond de Rainier was dead and gone, and Marcel did not like this new Edmond that had taken his place. Not at all.
Marcel had tried confronting his teacher many times after that, trying to find out why he had done it. Why? That's all Marcel wanted to know. Why? It wasn't fair. How could he do that to him? But Edmond would refuse to answer him, doing his best to avoid his student. He had even gone so far as to pay the security guards at a bar and restaurant to keep Marcel out!
Of course Marcel had waited for him to leave and confronted him again. Edmond had been raving about how it was unfair for him to not get the recognition he deserved, and how Marcel had all this talent that should have been his. The words had hurt Marcel to hear and he hadn't been sure wether that was his teacher's real and honest feelings or if it was just the alcohol talking. The words still hurt though, and the whole time he had helped the older man home he had been on the verge of tears.
Once he himself had returned home, Marcel had proceeded to sob his heart out. He was hurt. He was heartbroken. And he didn't know what to do. He had no idea where he stood with Edmond now. Was he nothing more but a bother? A means for the teacher to make money? What had happenned to the Edmond he had come to see as a brother?
Everything had changed and Marcel did not like it at all. He could see no future without some form of action taking place. He had to confront Edmond once and for all. He would not allow him to get away with stealing all of his hard work. Not after everything they had been through. But what could he do?
Marcel sat up from his bed and leant against the headboard, his eyes trailing over to his desk. He had tried to write out his feelings and frustrations to Edmond but he couldn't get far enough without bursting into tears once more. His father had called him a pansy, telling him that real men didn't cry. That he should grow up and be the man that he was meant to be. Marcel hated his father. And Edmond knew this. Edmond knew all about the beatings and abuse. And yet... Marcel could see similarities and shared traits between the two men and that scared him more than anything else.
It would start off with stealing his work, and then it would move on to verbal insults. From there it would progress to physical beatings before finally Marcel would run. He had run many times from his father but he was always forced to return. It was mentally trying and Marcel found himself physically shaking for no reason whatsoever at times. And now after all of this with Edmond... it was bringing some very unhappy memories back to the young musician. Memories that always unhinged him.
And with all the pain and hurt Marcel was feeling. It was no surprise that he felt completely helpless. He felt like he had nothing left for him in the world. Marcel blinked as he felt tears slide down his face once more, and he stood. He slowly walked through his door and into his parents room. They were out. They had gone out for a meal with some friends. He didn't know who and he didn't care.
All he cared about was the cold metal of his father's gun as he pulled it out of the drawer that housed it. He checked that it was loaded before leaving his house. He had only one destination in mind, the studio, where one Edmond de Rainier would be rehearsing with everyone else for the new show.
He was shaking with fear and hurt as he pushed open the doors. And as he pulled the gun onto his teacher he felt the distinct feeling of tears sliding down his face once more.