R.I.P., Chuck Berry

Mar 18, 2017 19:38

Way back in history 3,000 years,
In fact ever since the world began,
There's been a whole lotta good women sheddin' tears
Over a brown eyed handsome man.

*raises virtual lighter*

R.I.P., Chuck Berry (1926-2017).

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Comments 4

jan_u_wine March 19 2017, 00:01:33 UTC
.......somehow, I feel ....i dunno....rock-ish. I feel jubilant. Not jubilant that Chuck has gone. But that he *was*, and that he *was* in such an electric and triumphant manner.

In life, it never is simply the matter of what one is. It is the matter of what is contained within all of that being. At least to me, Chuck was a giant, so much more than that guy that could play a fire-stormin' guitar and duck-walk while doing so.

Salud, Mr. Berry. And much love upon your future journeys.


acciochocolate March 19 2017, 01:00:46 UTC

There's a lovely bit abt halfway down the page in a block talking abt how he was one of the fathers of rock'n'roll.

Peter Tork would talk abt his influence, and certainly the Beach Boys were influenced by him in their early years.


shooting2kill March 19 2017, 07:51:56 UTC
Such a great man.


gilda_elise March 19 2017, 14:56:31 UTC
A sad day, but of course Carl would have appreciated Chuck's music. :-)


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