Everyone: Worlds Without Walls, Calls for Papers, Etc.

Feb 27, 2017 09:34

Blech! Very sick here. So many are! The ick is making the rounds. 'Tis the season, I suppose. My husband is two weeks into it and he still has little voice and lots of coughing. I'm just in week one, full of antibiotics. Joy! /Whinging

I hope all of you are well, my friends!

Here are several cool Calls for Papers for anyone so inclined:
* "Read more... )

sf, calls for papers, publications, genre literature

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Comments 13

acciochocolate February 27 2017, 18:17:08 UTC
Sending good vibes y'all's way!


eldritchhobbit March 5 2017, 13:23:28 UTC
Thank you so much!


febobe February 28 2017, 03:23:02 UTC
*get-well-soon and feel-better hugs!*


eldritchhobbit March 5 2017, 13:24:50 UTC
Thank you so much! <3 <3 <3


jan_u_wine February 28 2017, 20:52:28 UTC
have had this junque-ola for a month now. Much much better but still with the cough!

You take good care....three hobbits, a dragon, a load of chicken soup and lots of water.

(oh, you could drop the three hobbits and a dragon, if you like)


eldritchhobbit March 5 2017, 13:25:21 UTC
Yuck! I hope the cough is better, too!

And thanks for the most excellent advice. :D


jan_u_wine March 5 2017, 13:39:58 UTC
.....still with the damned cough, but now i'm wondering if i'm coughing from habit not necessity.....


And how are you? Done with the sick, I hope! (If not, add the dragon in....the idea being that, if you can assimilate a Smaug, you can beat anything. Twice)

btw, I'm such a ditz that I didn't see the Kick Starter first time out. I see you've met your goal and that a Delany is in the future. Go, you! (posted the k.s. on my fb page)


eldritchhobbit March 12 2017, 00:30:24 UTC
Ack! I hope the coughing's a thing of the past now!

I like the "if you can assimilate a Smaug" logic! ;) My voice is still only at about 75%, but otherwise I'm much better. Thanks!!!

And THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for sharing the news about the Kickstarter! *massive hugs* We got Delany! Woohoo! I'm grateful for your help.

Keep feeling better!


ankh_hpl February 28 2017, 22:20:25 UTC
I just put up my own signal-boosting post for Everyone: WWW . . . Can't wait to read your intro to this most exciting project. Get well soonest, too!


eldritchhobbit March 5 2017, 13:25:55 UTC
Thank you, thank you, thank you, my friend!


i_llbedammned March 2 2017, 05:09:44 UTC
The weather has been spreading plagues all sorts of around.

I like the idea of reading voices from around the globe. I will have to look into it.


eldritchhobbit March 5 2017, 13:26:33 UTC
It's been so nasty! We just went from mid-seventies to mid-twenties here. Crazy!

Thank you so much.


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