Still Alive!

Mar 27, 2014 15:01

Just a quick post to say I'm not dead, I'm simply working very hard at the moment.

A few quick items:

* My latest unabridged narration for StarShipSofa, which is of Mary Soon Lee's powerful short story "Pause Time," is now available to stream or download on the newest episode of the podcast, which is a themed episode celebrating Mother's Day in ( Read more... )

fantasy, sf, native america, narrations

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Comments 6

sid_17 March 27 2014, 19:08:42 UTC
WTF!? if you are not dead but you was... you are the walking dead now)))) the posting LJ dead)))


eldritchhobbit March 27 2014, 19:15:41 UTC
Ha! Would this be an awkward time to mention I'm craving brains? Or blood?


ankh_hpl March 27 2014, 23:56:42 UTC
Can't wait to download this new Sofa narration! BTW, your last Genre History segment was really impressive. More Gothic, please!


eldritchhobbit March 29 2014, 20:04:38 UTC
Oh, thank you very much! I hope you like it.

I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed the last segment. I'm grateful for your feedback; it's so helpful to know what there's interest in hearing more about. More Gothic it is!


ankh_hpl April 4 2014, 21:30:26 UTC
Just listened to "Pause Time." Another marvelously effective narration -- please keep doing these for the Sofa!


eldritchhobbit April 10 2014, 18:17:06 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! This makes my day. I really appreciate it. :)

I have another narration coming up soon. Thanks again for your encouragement!


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