The truth is out there, and the game is on!

May 16, 2012 10:53

Hey there! Remember me? I'm back from a fantastic and thought-provoking colloquium in DC, rather tired, but in a good way. My final lecture for my spring classes is done, I've celebrated our seventeenth anniversary with my best friend and true love, and now I'm turning my attention to my as-yet-incomplete writing projects before the beginning of ( Read more... )

cabin pressure, sf, arthur conan doyle, x-files, sherlock, appearances, teaching

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Comments 9

gryphonrhi May 16 2012, 18:32:11 UTC
Happy (belated) Anniversary and many happy returns of the day!


eldritchhobbit May 16 2012, 21:05:49 UTC
Aw, thank you so much! :)


peadarog May 17 2012, 08:46:41 UTC
many major congratulations on all and everything! I was wondering if I might pick your academic brain in a few days?


eldritchhobbit May 17 2012, 17:03:58 UTC
Aw, thank you! Absolutely. Anytime. I hope I can prove useful!


elvenjoy May 17 2012, 15:42:37 UTC
Aww! Happy Anniversary, and thank you for the birthday wishes! :)


eldritchhobbit May 17 2012, 17:04:25 UTC
Aw, thank you! And happy (early) birthday! *hugs*


mosinging1986 August 27 2012, 01:13:48 UTC
That sound you hear is my brain melting in a glorious fandom collision.

How on earth did I never think of this combo before? OF COURSE it could work!


eldritchhobbit August 27 2012, 19:04:19 UTC
Isn't that fun?

(Speaking of that combo, just FYI, the fic "Four at the Thousand Faces" spends quite a bit of its time mashing-up Sherlock and The X-Files. I'd love to see more crossing over of these 'verses!)


mosinging1986 August 27 2012, 23:04:28 UTC
Oh, that fic was amazing!


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